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Drew POV

When Aug came home he brought this little girl with him then I started to cry because I knew that the baby was his. Before he could see me I ran upstairs and slammed the door locking it behind me and just laid in bed crying

"Drew?"Aug said on the other side of the door

"Go away you have a daughter to be watching right now"he sighed

"Baby,Jessica wants you to get to know her too cuz she said she knew we was gonna be some much stronger then the relationship I have with her and she wants you to be the step mom and one day maybe to mother of Kamiya's future siblings,now come out here and meet her, imma be in the living room"he walked away from the door and I got up confused why his baby momma would want me to be in HER child's life that's just not like the typical baby momma situation to me 😕

I unlocked the door and walked downstairs slow cuz I was scared to see the baby but I knew I had to do this when I got to the bottom of the stairs I just stopped and August got up from the couch and walked to me with the Kamiya in his arms

"Here can I trust you to babysit for like 20 minutes,I promise you,you will form a great bond baby"he held her out to me

".....Okay,I guess but what if"he handed her to me and started to walk off

"If there are what its just call me Drew I'll see y'all in a minute"he kissed me and Kamiya on the cheek and left

"What's your name"Kamiya asked me

"My name is Drew what's your name"

"Kamiya"she started smiling and from there I knew we would bond just fine

It was 5:30 when August left and now its 7:48 ,way past 20 minutes so I called Summer to see if she wanted to see her niece and of course she said yes so she came over and Brandon tagged along

"Drew where daddy at"she said walking over to me

"I don't know Miya, he won't answer his phone"I tried calling again and it went to voicemail

"Aye imma go ,just call me when you ready to leave or whatever"Brandon said kissing Summer forehead and walking out

That night me,Summer and Kamiya just played around and we kinda messed up the house...just a little, but we had lots of fun. Summer stayed the night and would leave when August came back hopefully

~Next Morning~

When I got up I looked at saw that Summer and Kamiya were still sleep so I went downstairs and cooked breakfast. As soon as I finished Summer walked downstairs holding Kamiya's hand

"Good morning"Summer said sitting Kamiya in her lap as she sat one of the bar stools

"Morning"I put both of their plates in front of them and sat mine down beside where Summer was sitting

I was about to sit down when the doorbell rung,let me mind you I basically stay at Aug house so.... When j opened the door ,it was Aug baby momma and I got nervous

"Hey you must be Drew"

"Yeah,come in"she walked in and I closed the door behind her

"Where August at"she looked back at me as I walked in for my of her leading her to the kitchen

"I honestly don't know last night he left and said he would come back in 20 minutes and he never came back and he won't answer the phone but his phone is on"she looked worried

"Oh well could I stay until he comes back?"I sat down

"Yeah sure help yourself I cooked plenty"I said referring to the food

"Thank you"she walled over and fixed a plate then sat next to me

"Hi,I'm Summer ,Aug's little sister,I knew you where wondering"Sumer said introducing herself

"Oh well nice to meet you,I'm Jessica"they both smiled

"Mommy I want to stay with Auntie Summer and Drew and I want you to stay with us,we had a lot of fun at night time yesterday after daddy left"we l smiled at her

"Okay but I gotta ask daddy first okay"Kamiya nodded and we continued to eat

August POV

I was at my nigga Ace crib all night cuz this being a parent shit wasn't settling well with me 😩. The fact that Jessica is 22 and I'm only 19 fazed me and then Drew 18 so this age shit is really fucking with my head like why they fuck was I even doing that shit but I can't be mad about having Kamiya cuz she making a nigga go soft and she is a true blessing to me

"Aye yo Ace I gotta go baby moms probably at my crib waiting on a nigga and who knows what's happening with her and Drew"I dapped up Ace and walked out

I got in my Bugatti and looked at my phone and saw I had about 40 missed calls from Drew,Summer, Brandon ,and Jessica then I had messages from Summer and Drew but I had my phone on silent so I don't know but I hurried and drove home to make sure everything was ight

When I walked in there Summer,Drew ,Jessica and Kamiya were all having a pillow fight and they had my house fucked up I mean everywhere you looked something was out of place when I pit my keys down they all looked at me and just started laughing

"So I suppose we all getting along in here"I kissed everybody forehead and they all just sat on the floor

"Yep"they said together and started laughing again

"Daddy can we got to the beach"Kamiya said running up to me as I picked her up

"Yeah whatever you want baby girl"I put her down and all the girls just attacked me with pillows

"Y'all to goofy man I swear,if y'all want to go to the beach y'all better go ahead and get ready,we can clean all this shit up later"they all got up

"Well imma be back,Summer I can take you home if you want" Jessica said getting Kamiya

"Yeah thanks,see y'all in a few"that walked out and it was just me and Drew

"So you like them, huh"I said to Drew as we walked upstairs getting ready to change

"Yep,they fun as fuck for real and some really good friends too"

"Well I'm glad you like them baby"I gave her a kiss and she pulled me in deepening the kiss then I pulled away

"We not about to do this right now Drew just wait till tonight imma tear that pussy up"😏 she hit my arm playfully

"Well don't rupture my cervex like you did that one fan before we met😂"I frowned and walled in the room

This girl play too damn much

Y'all see all baby momma's don't bring drama so this story is starting off all nice and sweet but y'all just wait its gonna be some shit coming up in the next few chapters just wait on it 😌😌😌

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