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August POV

I was watching TV while Drew slept on my chest. I was about to fall asleep when my phone began to ring.

"Helluh"I said with my accent deep

"Hey baby how you been doing"it was my mom I haven't seen her in 2 years now

"Hey mom I've been doing great how bout you?"

"I'm doing fine ,but why you whispering?"

"My girl sleeping on me right now and I didn't want her to wake up ,but is Summer home with you right now?"

"Umm yeah let me go get her"

Summer POV

I was sleeping when my mom came in my room and yelled my name.

"Suuummmmeerrr! Wake up!"I jumped out of bed wishing my dream with Mindless Behavior would have lasted longer


"Here someone wants to talk to you"she handed me the phone and walked out my room

"Hello"I said not wanting to talk

"Wassup Summer how you been Lil sis"I damn near screamed

"Omg! August! Hey!"

"How you been sis you good cuz you just dodged the fuck outta that question"

"Yeah,I'm okay I guess"I lied

My life has been terrible ever since August left and its all because of B.Smyth,my boyfriend that rapes me and hits me all the time but he said that if I leave him he will kill me but the thing is that when August was here he acted totally different ,when Aug was around or even if he wasn't probably cuz he knew he would find out about the abuse but Brandon also told me that if I tell August or my dad, Anthony ,then he would kill them both then leave me for last and I didn't want to risk all of that and have to make my mom suffer from it all.

"Summer you sure you okay"he was starting to catch on

"Yeahhh I'm, I'm, fine, but when are you coming home"I said trying to change the subject

"Now because I can tell something ain't right"he hung up and I just sat there and cryed

If Brandon found out he would kill me ,litarally ...

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