My Youth

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❝My youth
My youth is yours
A truth so loud you can't ignore
My youth, my youth, my youth
My youth is yours.❞ ~ Troye Sivan, 'Youth'

This campaign is a solo-run account created for the youth of Wattpad. Inspired by the lyrics of 20-year-old, singer-songwriter Troye Sivan, to recognise and celebrate the achievements of young writers between the age of 13 to 23.

The majority of the Wattpad community is made up of aspiring, teenage writers. And, let's face it, we are pretty amazing.

We write novels that compete with those of both professional and adult writers.

We win competitions.

We top genres.

We get noticed and commissioned by multi-million-dollar companies.

And we do all of this while contending with millions of other Wattpad users.

At our young age, we accomplish things that some grow, adult writers couldn't even dream of. Wattpad gives us this opportunity and, in most cases, we thrive. We're so young and, yet, despite this, we rule this site.

We are A-W-E-S-O-M-E.

And it's damn near time that we get some recognition for that.

So, if you're one of Wattpad's many young, aspiring writers between the ages of 13 and 23, join the campaign today! Your story will be featured in our lists, where you can also find other amazing works by other popular 'youth' authors.

Whether you've got 20 reads or 200,000 reads. 15 follows or 15, 000 - it doesn't matter. The only criteria? That you are an aspiring Wattpad writer between the designated ages!

Add the hashtag to you book, or the sash to you icon, or maybe even the sticker to your cover! Join the movement today to support your fellow youth writers!

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