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" Who woke up at the wrong side of the bed this morning? " she laughed.

" It's not funny" I argued as she continues to laugh.

How am I supposed to make a comeback when I couldn't think properly. Probably because it's still early and maybe because she was the one knocking on my door.

" Anyways, what are you doing here? " I asked as I let her in.

I guided her through the living room to sit. I told her to wait and she obediently did. I asked if she wants something to drink.

She moved her head sideways to let me know that she didn't need one. Instead of listening to her, I still made something to drink.

" You're pretty stubborn, aren't you?!" she beamed at me.

As soon as she saw me making those drinks, she stood up and helped me. I'm not incapable of house works. May I just remind you, that I live alone.

I prepared some coffee. It was a surprise why she was here. She's always busy so I thought she won't visit me here.

But the odds are against me and I don't know why. I added some creamer and sugar just as she likes it. As for me, I just drank lukewarm water.

"What do you want?" I looked at her with only my left eye. She grinned and took a sip of the coffee I just laid.

"To see you of course!"

"I'm not convinced" I said as I refill my glass.

"Hahaha, I guess I can't lie to you. You know me so well" she said while softly chuckling.

" I've been taking care of you since I can remember" I said, a little bit unhappy about it.

" Wasn't it the opposite?" she asked.

"Nope. I'm correct. And to think you are older than me, I became responsible at a very young age. You ruined my childhood" I said bitterly.

" Why?" I asked out of nowhere

" Why what? " she didn't looked at me.

She continued preparing the drink.

" I'm pretty sure you know what I mean by why" I said getting a little bit annoyed.

" Would I be asking you if I know why you're asking me why?"

" I'm not that dumb. I maybe useless but I'm really sure that I am not dumb"

" You're no fun, you know that don't you? "

" I know. So you better answer me or swear to this apartment I'll never talk to you again" I threatened her.

" I know you know that you love me and you can't stand not talking to me"

I just rolled my eyes. I didn't talk backed, waiting for her reply. Not letting her get to me, she finally decided to talk.

" There's a student in your university that we're curious of"

" And who is this? " I raised my eyebrow and looked at her eyes.

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