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Third Person

It had been a few weeks since the accident of E.J almost falling, and since then, E.J and Dawn had made up, causing Alice to smile in happiness.

She knew that as long as E.J remained close with Dawn, Bella and Edward wouldn't give her up. Dawn had grown to look normal, with her hazel eyes and strawberry-blonde hair. E.J had grown to love the colour of it, and the length, seeing as it was longer than Renesmee's.

Rosalie and Leah still fought over E.J, which to the disapproval of Esme, was amusing to the rest of the family. Esme thought it was highly unnecessary, considering E.J was still such a young looking child, no older than five.

But his features had only grown slightly. His eyes, still as green and beautiful, shined and his hair was still a perfect mixture between his parents. His skin, still pale with little red, his nose as button and lips as cute. Renesmee looked a little like him, with the same high cheekbones and button nose. Her eyes were still the lovely chocolate brown and her hair the same bronze, like Edward's.

"Momma," Renesmee caught the attention of Bella, as she ran in with a grin. "Momma, can we go play out in the snow?"

E.J ran in after her, his eyes bright with eagerness to go in the snow. Emmett had promised to take him yesterday, but unfortunately there was a game and both boys sat and watched it. The sight caused Bella and Rose to shake their heads.

Bella looked up and smiled at the sight of them. "Sure, go grab your coats." She gently ordered, "Its--"

"--cold outside." E.J cut her off, his childish features giddy. "Come on, Renny!"

The twins ran off, causing Bella to shake her head with a laugh. She glanced over at Edward, "We'll be back shortly." She informed him, grabbing her leather jacket.

Edward looked up, and chuckled. "I highly doubt it." He gave his wife a knowing look as soon as the twins ran back in.

"Can Jake come?"

"Can Leah come?"

Bella was about to open her mouth when the pair walked through the doors, instantly their attention going to their imprints.

"Momma, please?" E.J pouted, standing beside Leah while grabbing at her hand. "I promise that we'll... we'll..." He looked at Renesmee for help.

Renesmee, catching it, looked around. "Promise we'll tidy our rooms!"

Edward raised his eyebrow, "Both rooms are already tidy."

E.J's eyes widened, before blurting out. "We'll mess them up and tidy them up again!" He tried.

Bella only laughed again, "They can come."

Both children cheered, eyes filled with excitement as they tugged at their imprinters. Both wolves listened to them, smiling and laughing.

"Where are you going?"

Bella paused, and turned her eyes away from her children to look over at the door where Dawn stood. Before she could say anything, E.J caught sight of her and grinned widely.

"We're going to play in the snow! Momma, Le and Jakey are coming with us!" E.J informed her, before kindly asking, "Would you like to come with us?"

Dawn's eyes lit up happily. "Really? I can?" She looked over at Bella desperately and Bella knew she couldn't say no in front of E.J or Renesmee.

"Sure," Bella forced herself to say, resisting the urge to grit her teeth. "Go get a coat."

Dawn zoomed anyway, and E.J hummed because catching the look Renesmee was giving him. He shrugged, before turning his attention back to Leah.

"Momma, can me and Leah go now? And you guys can catch up?" E.J spoke up, blinking his green eyes at Bella.

Bella hesitated but nodded, "Sure, sweetheart. Just make sure you don't slip or hurt yourself."

E.J grinned, "I won't." He grabbed Leah's hand again, before dragging her hand. "Love you Momma!"

Bella smiled after him, "I love you, too sweetheart." She whispered before her eyes turned back to see Dawn standing there, Alice putting the coat on her.

"Careful, love." Edward chuckled. "Have a good time."

Leah and E.J walked through the forest, fortunately the snow wasn't too deep and E.J was light, so he didn't get sucked into the depth. He signed sadly, causing Leah to furrow her brow and look down at her imprint.

"What's wrong?"

E.J shrugged, looking up and seeing a bird humming on a branch. He smiled, watching the creature before it flew off, and his lips twitched downwards again.

"Why does Momma and Daddy not like Dawn?" He finally asked Leah, looking up at her as he gripped her hand a little. "Rosie doesn't like her, either and I don't understand why."

Leah didn't reply straight away, causing the youngster to look down at the snow.

"Your sister just..." Leah didn't know how to explain it. "She's different. Your Momma didn't expect her and that causes your Momma a lot of pain."

E.J furrowed his eyebrows, his head shooting back up. "Dawn hurt Momma?"

Leah's eyes widened, not realising what she had said sounded like that. She wasn't sure if to answer yes or no. If she answered yes, Bella would be happy, finally and E.J wouldn't want to go anywhere near his youngest sister. But, if she said no, there would remain a ruin in the family. But she didn't want to cause any sadness to her imprint.

"No, of course Dawn didn't mean to." Leah finally answered. "She was just a baby."

E.J didn't look convinced. "But you said that Momma and Daddy didn't expect Dawn! That means that Momma wouldn't have been in so much pain if it was just me and Renny."

Leah shook her head, before stopping in her steps and bending down. "No, E.J. Your Momma wanted to be a vampire, so she would have been one anyway."

E.J frowned, "Why?"

Leah thought about it but she didn't know the answer. She could only guess. "She loves your Daddy very much and she wanted to be with him forever and then she got pregnant with you three."

E.J's eyes widened. "Forever? Momma and Daddy are going to love each other forever? Why?"

Leah smiled, her hand coming up to straighten down E.J's hair. Her answer was honest and held so much more meaning to her than it did to him at that very moment.

"Because they were born to be together. They're soul mates."


Dylan Sprayberry on the cover is WHAT OLDER E.J WILL LOOK LIKE. Dylan Sprayberry is just so jsjshd and adorable. Awh, Liam.

But wait forget Dylan's adorable small height cause older E.J is gonna be 5'10. I dont want him to be taller than Edward lol. I had to change the cover cause i felt homeless with the other one.

Longer update next time guys, promise.

By the way guys, search up Raleigh Ritchie he's amazing and so underrated.

Stay beautiful peeps!! X

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