Chapter 4

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[Fire Dragons Roar]


Chapter 4

Inside his room Natsu laid on his bed. After the events that transpired the previous night the Night Raid was in shock they had never seen a teigu get destroyed, sure people have been incompatible but they only tend to shock people or turn them insane but never had teigu just disappeared.

"*Groan* what the hell happened?" Natsu asked himself as he rubbed his head feeling like he had been head-butted Igneel.

'Your compatibility with the Spector was absolutely shit.' Natsu heard Igneel insult in his mind.

'I realized that but what happened?' Natsu asked his Dragon father while massaging his forehead.

'Don't ask me I don't know why Elmira didn't merge with you.' Igneel told his son.

' who the hell is Elmira?!' Natsu yelled to his father.

'I thought I already told you this but because your an idiot I might as well say it again. When I was a young, handsome, I am still very handsome mind you, and powerful dragon, my mother and father had very very unnatural ways to train me and one of the ways was to send me to other dimensions to train and grow powerful-'

'Oh wow like I totally care about your shitty past.' Natsu sarcastically said to the prideful Dragon. 'Just tell me who she is and don't add your bullshit.' He added rubbing his head as it still hurt like a mother pucker.

'Disrespectful brat if you want the short version of my EPIC tale than so be it your loss. Elmira was the serpent of "The Sights" and was incredibly beautiful, her sea green scales in her slithery body, her forked tongue, her dragonic eyes....she was a true beauty-'

'So you just went and busted a load in her...I am guessing' Natsu retorted and heard Igneel cough. By the Dragon's reaction Natsu guessed that the red Dragon was blushing.

'Be quite you disrespectful brat.'

'Igneel why the hell are you talking to me like this, just a few days ago you were completely frightened by my awesome power?' Natsu asked, his voice filled with pride and arrogance.

' As if I would've been frightened by a mere child. I was just pretending to be scared to fool you.'

'*Uh huh* Okay go back to the explanation.' Natsu commanded still not believing Igneel.


Well 1000 years ago the 1 st Emperor of the Empire created 48(?) Imperial Arms also know as Teigu. For the creation he had caught powerful danger beasts like Elmira-'

'Yo you dumbass gecko do fuckin think I want a history lesson?' Natsu asked the Dragon in his head. 'Like seriously wtf I've said think like 4 time already just tell why me and Elmira weren't compatible, it's easy just tell me without a history lesson!' Natsu yelled at Igneel feeling irritated with Dragon's bs.

'Geez what's got your panties in a twist, just take a chill pill.' Igneel suggested fake concern. Natsu just growled in response.

'Fine Fine, Okay so the reason you weren't compatible was because Elmira probably doesn't want to see me.' Igneel said with a weary chuckle.

' Oh gods you did something to her didn't you, you scaly bastard and because of you my head feels like it's going to explode.' Natsu fell back in his bed as his head started to hurt even more.

The pain he was feeling was like the time he had ate too much ice cream and had Erza fisted his head into the ground...times 10. Natsu had made up his mind he was going to kill Igneel if he every got his hand on the scaly bastard...and by the will of the Gods he's about to get his wish.

(Natsu's Subconscious: Tartarus)

(A/N: From now on Natsu's subconscious will be Tartarus cuz he's a demon and stuff.)

"*Huh* weird I don't feel any pain in here...why is that?" Natsu questioned himself as he looked around his subconscious and was surprised by the sight that greeted him.

Volcanoes, Fire Geysers, and Hellfire were the most prominent things that Natsu noticed. From the black nothingness of the past, his subconscious looked like it housed a Dragon....which was true but Natsu only believed that he was hallucinating and that Igneel isn't alive and the shock of losing his father made him imagine that Igneel was talking and advising him.

"Wtf happened to my mind?" The pinkette asked, his eyes the size of dinner plates and his jaw was literally touching the ground.

*Flap* *Flap* Natsu looked up and noticed a red Dragon that oddly looked like Igneel. The other thing he noticed was the black and smoky sky with black clouds and red lightning that occasionally struck the ground.

*Thump* The red Dragon looked at Natsu wondering what his brat was thinking about. "Like what I did to the place?"

Natsu did the one thing anyone would've done if they had seen their Dragon parent....faint. Lol jk anyone normal would've done that but Natsu isn't normal and did the one thing Natsu knows best when he encounters something absurd.

"What cat got your ton-*Oof*"

[Fire Dragon King's Demon's Fist], Natsu jumped up so he was eye level with Igneel and with blood red fire around his right fist Natsu punched Igneel as hard as he could putting all of his power in the punch.

Realization finally struck Natsu like a lightning bolt, "Shit." he pinkette said as he saw The Fire Dragon King crash in the side of a volcano causing a huge explosion.

"Well I guess I wasn't on drugs..." Natsu muttered to himself.

*RRRRRRAAAAAAAWWWWWWW*, Igneel bellowed from the volcano. Igneel picked himself up and walked out the side of the volcano. The Dragon growled menacingly at his son for punching his face.

*Growl* [Fire Dragon's Tail Beat], Igneel growled as he smacked his tail on the teary eyed Natsu.

*Crunch*, Several bones in Natsu's body cracked as the the tail salted him 6 feet under.

"And that proves that I am not insane and Igneel is real." Natsu groaned as he grabbed Igneel's tail with his right hand.

Igneel felt Natsu grab his tail, so the Fire King pulled his tail to his face and eyes Natsu's almost motionless form. 'What the hell happened to him?'


Sup guys I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I am truly sorry for the super late update for this story I honestly had no plans or ideas for it but now I do and yeah....

Next Update:

1. Etherious Vengeance

2. PJO: God of Destruction

3. Etherious Natsu Dragneel King of Pandemonium

4. Son Of The Dragon King

5. Demon? Dragon? Natsu?

~ IamJustThatOneGuy

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