Chapter 3

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I just realized that I had been spelling Sign instead of Sigh. Lol my bad guys.


Fire Dragons Roar


Chapter 3

"Ok so let me get this straight, a executioner that used to work for the Empire went rough, stole an unknown teigu
And has been chopping heads since he returned to the Empire?" Natsu questioned their assignment, Najenda just nodded her head.

*sigh*"Great just great." The dragon slayer said, "Alright let's just go then." In which he got some yeahs and hmph.

(Time Skip)

"Hey Akame tell me about your teigu." Natsu asked the black haired beauty sitting on the left of him while Tatsumi was on the right of him.

At first she looked surprised, then she shook it off.
"My teigu is called murasame, it's ability is that if I were to cut you with it will kill you."

*Whistles*" Damm that's overpowered." Natsu complimented, making Akame blush a little.

Tatsumi stood up,"Hey i need to do something. I'll be right back."

"You need to take a piss." Natsu commented, while Tatsumi just blushed red, and Akame snickered.

"Yeah so what?!" Tatsumi blushed even more. *Laughing* Even so Natsu keeps on laughing.

A few minutes later, "Tatsumi isn't back yet." Akame said to the pinkette, who just sported a worried face.

"Yeah, *sniff* that's Tatsumi's blood we need to hurry!" Natsu started running to the center of the town. (AN: I don't remember where the fight took place....sorry.)

There standing in the middle was Tatsumi and a Bulky blonde man known as Zanku, their target.

Tungsten Dragons Scales, Natsu said, his tanned skin turned silver with scales forming on his body. Picking up his speed Natsu ran as fast as he could to stop his friend from getting killed.

Fire Dragons Iron Fist, Natsu called out and punched his enemy in the face.

*Screen* Zanku screamed as he moved a few feet away from Tatsumi.

"You ok."

"Shit that was scary! *taking deep breaths* thanks Natsu." The brunette said to his pink haired friend.

"Yeah no problem." Natsu said, Akame finally caught to Natsu, "Where's Zanku?" She asked.

"Over there, Natsu punched." Tatsumi responded almost immediately, pointing to the are the man was laying on the ground. Akame just nodded head head.

Zanku started getting up, blood coming out of his mouth, he managed to stand up although it was shaky.

"You*heavy breathing* fuckin* heavy breathing*bastard I'm gonna*coughing* kill you." Zanku said, as he started to run at Natsu with his dual swords.

"Let me take care of him." Akame told her teammates.

"Ok/Aye" the two boys said in unison.

*War cry* he brought his weapon down only for it to be stopped by Akame's murasame.

"Why you bitch!!! How dare you try to interfere!!" Zanku screamed at the assassin.

Zanku yelled another war cry before attacking rapidly trying to hit Akame. Not once out scores of slashes and jabs could the blonde teigu user hit Akame.

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