Bonus Scene For Talk Curvy To Me (Chelsea/Ryan)

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Hey guys, this isn't a full on 'sex' scene but I just wanted to give a glimpse into Chelsea and Ryan's relationship.

Forever yours, ~Vamps

Chelsea Cole

"Hey you know, you look hot in that pink v-neck." Ryan whispered in my ear. His arms were wrapped around my waist.

I met Ryan at work, we'd been dating for a few weeks and I really like him. Being with him was so easy.

"Really? I think you look good in that tight white dress shirt." I turned in his arms and smiled up at him.

"Mm." He smirked and leaned down to kiss me. It felt good, but it wasn't the feeling I wanted when I kissed him.

    My thoughts wandered to Hayden. He'd called earlier but I hadn't answered. I've been in love with him for years and now that I was in a relationship with a guy who liked me for me, he was interested?

    I just kissed Ryan with more ferocity. His tattooed arms tightened around me and lifted me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist.

    My back was against the door and I started to feel the panic rise in my stomach. I had never been with a guy before. Ryan knows this but I just wish I could be with him without being self conscious.

He pulled back and smiled at me. "It's okay." He nodded and rested his forehead against mine.

He was so sweet. "I'm sorry." I looked down, my forehead still resting against his.

He just kept smiling. "It's okay, let's just go to bed." He leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

He lifted me off the wall, still carrying me as we headed to his bedroom. I nuzzled my face into his neck and curled my fingers in his cropped blonde and blue hair.

    Ryan softly laid me down on his king size bed and I missed his touch as he moved off of me to go to the closet.

Before he could leave I grabbed his neck and brought his lips down on mine. Just because I didn't want to have sex didn't mean I didn't want to have fun.

He pulled away from me for a second. "Chels?" He questioned, his electric blue eyes peering into mine.

I put my hands behind his head and neck and pulled his lips back down to mine.

He pulled away. "What?" I asked. "Just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean I don't want to have fun." I told him with a mischievous smirk.

He was smiling down at me and then he nestled his head into my neck and began kissing my neck the way he new would make my toes curl.

I moaned and slipped my hands under his shirt so I could feel his milky washboard abs.

       "Ryan," I breathed out as he slipped his hands to run over my abdomen tenderly.

     "Mhm?" He hummed and I leaned down to kiss his cheek.

    "Take off your shirt." I smirked up at him.

     He raised an eyebrow at me and pouted his lips the way he knew made me want to bite them.

     "Bossy aren't we little miss." He  bit his bottom lips and I couldn't help myself, as I pulled him down again to bite his lip. I could feel him smirking as my hands began unbuttoning his shirt.

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