Chapter Eight

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He drove us directly back to the house, hordes of vampires flooding the streets emitting waves of rage. It pained me to think how much torture was occurring at that moment in time, how many humans were suffering due to a rebellion that I myself had a hand in. Feelings of guilt flooded me, but I had little time to dwell on them.

''Aiden, what are we doing?'' He darted out of the car, heading towards the house faster than my eyes could follow. It took me what felt like an eternity to make it in after him, only to see him pacing and pulling at his hair, agitated.

''I don't understand what is going through that woman's mind,'' He continued to pace, voice frustrated, ''It's like she hasn't even considered the repercussions.''

He was right that the Queen really must have been acting on instinct alone, her plans seemed to have no real thought in them. My suspicions were that it was obviously her way of lashing out at her son, proving the point that his behaviour would be met by a fight.

At the thoughts of his family, my mind snapped to thoughts of my own. My father's ideals were living on in the rebellion, but I don't think even he could have stood up to this kind of attack, I wondered if the rebels even knew this was coming. Then, what of my mother? She was probably alone and terrified, maybe for me.

That made up my mind.

''Aiden, please, you have to take me to see my mother. I can't leave her alone in this, she's the only family I have left.''

Aiden stopped at my words, his scorching eyes turning to burn into mine. For a moment, I wondered if he was even going to acknowledge what I had said, or just start his pacing again, ''If that's what you want, then I'll take you to see her,'' he said.

''Really?'' I couldn't help but be completely shocked. I mean, even with my relationship with Aiden, I would have thought that he'd come up with some sort of excuse as to why we couldn't go and see her.

Maybe the fact that she had been married to the leader of the rebellion. Though, in her defence, I doubt she knew that.

Although, she probably wouldn't have minded fighting against a force she hated.

My thoughts were processing slowly, all troubled by the fact that I may be about to see my mother again. The woman whose face had not left my mind since the day I'd left her. Of course, I wasn't entirely sure how she'd react to my being with Aiden, and obviously not too cautious of him considering I would be leading him to her.

''If she means so much to you, then I want her to be safe too.''

I reacted without really thinking, launching towards Aiden and wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. It was pretty uncharacteristic for me to be so forward, which meant that it took a few seconds for him to react, holding me close.

''Thank you, Aiden. You have no idea how much this means to me.''

We shared a smile.


My street was empty, a stark contrast to my last memory of it where it had been filled with marching teenagers. Curtains were drawn, lights off in every house we passed, only the wind rustling its way through the trees filled the silence.

My home sat unmoving, seemingly not having changed since the day I had left it. What worried me though was the state that my mother could have been in. Yes, she could take care of herself, but I knew that she had kept up a brave face the day we'd parted, for my benefit.

It would only hurt her more to hear about my father, her husband. It felt like a sort of betrayal to withhold that information from her though, no matter her reaction.

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