Chapter Nine

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I took a seat next to Aiden on the sofa, shuffling further away from him just as I realised we may have seemed too close. My mother eyed us warily, taking the hint and seating herself opposite in one of our armchairs.

I cleared my throat, ''Mum, some things have happened since I've been gone that I think you should know about.'' I scratched my arm nervously and swallowed, Aiden sitting as still as a statue.

''These are things you should discuss in front of your Master?'' Her eyes focused on me alone, ignoring Aiden and addressing solely me.

''Mum, please. Aiden's not like the others, I keep trying to tell you that.'' I sighed, giving her a look that I hoped conveyed that my news was quite serious, ''Anyway, the news is about Dad-''

''What have the vampires been drilling into your mind about your father? Let the poor man rest in peace for goodness sake.'' My mother interrupted, jumping to yet another conclusion.

''Mum, he hasn't been resting in peace. In fact, he has been doing the total opposite.'' I held back my emotion as the thoughts of my father's secret new life and the final moments it came to, drifted back into my thoughts.

''What do you mean?'' My innocent mother looked truly baffled, confirming that she had no idea what her husband had gone off to do. It made me even more furious at my father, thinking he could leave the woman he loved to live out a life alone. His apparent death must have torn her apart the first time; this was only going to reopen those scars.

But, it had to be done.

''It's a long story. But, dad was a part of the rebellion, a leader of it in fact. I met him again recently.'' My words seemed awkward, but my thoughts were so jumbled that I couldn't seem to form the right sentences.

My mum, at first, gave little reaction. Then it seemed that my words began to register and her eyebrows scrunched together in what I assumed was confusion, ''You're positive that it was him?''

''I'm absolutely certain.'' I stated, anxious to deliver the next blow, but it had to be said. Before any wisps of hope could embed themselves in my mother's mind, I said the words that would surely tear her apart as much as the event had me, ''I watched him die.''

My mother didn't react as I'd thought she would. There was no wailing or crying; just silence and acceptance.

She stared at me, as if waiting for further explanation and for me to elaborate further on my words. Instead, I remained quiet in an attempt to stop myself from saying anything that would trigger her sorrow.

Aiden's presence was a constant support that I desperately needed. Although he too didn't speak, I knew he was there for me. Even if we did have a very peculiar relationship.

''How did he die?'' She finally asked, her voice virtually stone cold and emotionless.

I paused before answering, grasping at time for me to think of how to speak it, ''He was murdered by the Queen.'' I closed my eyes, wanting to wish the words weren't true and to avoid seeing the anger as well as deep sadness that I myself felt.

It would be worse to see it reflected in her eyes.

''And you still trust him?'' She asked accusingly, shocking me with her bluntness and the disappointment in her tone. It was scary how fast she had glossed over the fact that her husband had lied to her, but I knew that behind her outer shell, it must have been tearing her apart inside.

''I do.'' I confirmed, not addressing her hostility.

She nodded slowly, sitting bolt-upright in her chair, as if contemplating. Meanwhile, I was just waiting for the imminent loss of control of her emotions. If she were anything like me, then it wouldn't take long.

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