Whats Going On Today?

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  I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I threw my covers off of me and got ready for school. I wore a plain white shirt, black jeans, white Jordan's, and my black jacket. I got my backpack and ran downstairs. When I got downstairs I saw Bruce and Alfred talking." Hey what are you guys talking about?". Bruce stood up and looked at me strait in the eye." I'm telling Alfred here that today I'm leaving for a Business Emergency and I'm taking Alfred with me. And I we'll be gone for 1 whole week. You could have 10 friends over that's it. No party's but if you do have a party you have to clean everything up. I trust you Dick". 'Yes I have the house to myself now I could have a party!' I thought.

I got in my car and got to the schools parking lot.


    Today is my very first day at Jump City high school I'm going to be a sophomore. I got up from my bed and got dressed. I put on a pink crop top, high waisted shorts, and my white converse high tops.

When I was done getting ready for school I went downstairs and saw my sister Komi

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When I was done getting ready for school I went downstairs and saw my sister Komi." Good morning Komi I'm going to high school already bye". I said to my sister. Then I left walking to school.

When I got to the school it's says 'Home of the Knights'. I went in and a lot of boys were looking at me and I just smiled at them and waved. I went to the office to get my schedule for my classes. When I finally got my schedule I went to my first class which was language Arts and my teacher was Mr. Mod. When I finally found my class I went in and people turned around to see me. But when the boys turned around I saw them staring at me. But the boy that caught my attention the most was a boy with black spiky hair and blue sapphire eyes. He turned around to face me I felt like I was going to melt.

   He smirked at me when he saw me and I smiled back. Then the teacher came up to me. And I handed him my schedule and he looked at it." It looks like we have a new student here. Ms. Anders please sit next to Richard. Richard please raise your hand up". When I looked at the boy that raised his hand i was shocked to see that it was the boy that caught my attention the most. So his name is Richard. When I sat down next to him I saw him blushing. I thought it was cute.


    I saw her blushing when she sat next to me. I think it was pretty cute." Richard please talk with Kori for you two could get know each other for the rest of the period. And the class gets to learn about the Roman Empire". The whole class groaned. So her name is Kori." Hi my name is Richard Grayson". With one of my smirks." Hi my name is Kori Anders". She then started blushing more as before." It's cute when you blush". Damn I think I'm falling in love." Thank you". " So do you want to be best friends?". She smiled." I'll love to be your best friend". She said happily. Damn I want her to be mine forever." Hey do you want to come to a party of mine it's at Wayne Manor it's tomorrow?". I hope she says yes 'please say yes, please say yes' i thought." Yes I'll love to go Richard". YES! She said yes!" Cool. Do you want to have lunch with my friends and I?". Her smile turned into a sorry face." I can't you see I have a boyfriend that already goes here. I really don't talk about him that much and I have lunch with him. Do you know him?". I hope I heard wrong. I think my heart fell into pieces." What's his name?".' please don't let it be somebody I hate please' I thought to myself again." Xavier". XAVIER!! I fucking hate him. He's my arch enemy." Umm can you tell me about him just to get to know him?". All I know is that he's in the same football team as me.

" of course he's in the football team, he's really sweet to me, very protective of me, and funny. Do you want to meet him today at lunch?". ' I'll love to meet him and beat the shit out of him and then make you mine kori' I thought." Of course Kori". She then smiled and before I knew it class was over. I went to my second class which I had with Xavier the boyfriend of the girl that I love so much. That's the thing I don't get how can he be sweet and funny.

3 hours later ( lol I sound like from spongebob)


    It was already lunch and I saw Xavier. I ran after him and hugged him. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead." Hey baby I'm so happy that you came to this high school it's going to be great just me and you. Ready for lunch?"." I know right I'm so happy that I'm with you and I love you so much and yes I'm ready for lunch but there's somebody that I want you to meet".  Then I saw Richard coming in our way. I hugged him and smiled." Hey Richard this is Xavier my Boyfriend and Xavier this is Richard my best friend". They both shaked hands and squeezed it but didn't smile at each other." Hey Xavier haven't talked to you for awhile". Richard said with anger in his tone he was anything but happy.

" Hey Richard and same to you". I think they met before." Have you guys met before?". They stopped staring at each other angrily and looked at me. Xavier then put an arm on my waist." Yes we have met before Kori". Richard said." Are you two friends?". Before they could answer Xavier pulled me away from Richard. What is going on with them." Xavier what is going on with you and Richard. Did something happened?". Xavier then leaded me to a table and holded my hand. " Kori there's something I have to tell you about Richard". He then put his head down. "What's wrong babe?". He then put his head up." Kori Richard sleeps with girls all the time. He doesn't care if their married, engaged, or has a boyfriend he just wants them in the bed with him. I want you to stay away from him. I want you safe I don't want you to get hurt. Please be safe baby".

Then he kissed me on the lips." Xavier I'm scared now I don't want to hang out with him anymore". I hugged him tightly not wanting to let go." I won't let him hurt you I promise". We stayed like that for like 5 minutes. Until somebody came up to us." Hey Xavier who is this sexy ass girl you have here?". I think it was one of Xavier's friends. When his friend called me that Xavier looked mad." Don't you dare call my girlfriend sexy ass and stay away from her if you don't want to get hurt". Xavier stood up from his spot next to me and got In front of me instead. Oh no. He does that when he starts to protect to me and starts in a fight. I had to stop him so I grabbed his arm." Babe lets just go it's okay". I finally calmed him down and we walked in the hallway were the lockers are at." Who was that do you know him?"." Yeah he's in my football team. Anyways are you trying out to be a cheerleader? You always wanted to be one". Oh yeah I always wanted to be one but I never been one." Yeah actually I was going to try out on Thursday". He turned to face me and I saw him smirk evil." So if you do get in the team that I know you well. Would you come over to my room with your cheerleading outfit especially since you have to wear a short skirt". I chuckled." Good try but no". He then did a playful frown." Are you coming to my football game?"." Of course and I'll cheer for you and yell that your my cute, sweet, and adorable boyfriend". We both laughed after what I said. Before I knew it was after school. Xavier then took me home to get ready for his football game. And he'll be picking me up. So I wore  my floral half dress with a black small purse and white flats. And did my hair with curls.

     When Xavier picked me up we went to his football game and when we got there

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     When Xavier picked me up we went to his football game and when we got there. I gave him a good luck kiss. But until I saw Richard staring at us. Today is going to be a long night.

Hope you guys like this book. Sorry if you don't I'm both a Robin and starfire fan but I'm also a Red X and Starfire fan. Anyways I already wrote a book about robstar so I decided to write about redstar now.

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