Coming home

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Hope you guys like this chapter!

1 year later~*******


It's finally time! Richards finally coming back home! I missed him so much, while he was gone I just stayed home and hang out with my friends and my kitty.Every single day I keep hoping that Richard wouldn't die or get hurt. I can't believe that I'm going to get married with him! It was so romantic when he asked me that question I've been wanting to hear. I never lost my virginity and I hope he hasn't either. Boys tried to but I never let them especially with a stranger. I want to make love with the one I love and wouldn't break my heart and would love me back.

Richard is coming in 5 minutes and I just want to jump in his arms already and kiss him. He's been there for me so many times and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend in my life. Xavier was nothing like Richard. Richard is sweet, handsome, caring, funny, and lovable. Now for Xavier that's a whole other different story he's mean, does whatever he wants, never cares about people's feelings, and he's a jerk. Yeah so Richard wins my heart and always will.

It's been 5 minutes already and he hasn't came. I'm waiting for him in the living room. Please come Richard! But I just can't tell him my secret well maybe when he comes back he deserves to know anyways. I still can't believe I'm a superhero with my friends.


I can't wait to see my beautiful fiancee. I just want to kiss her already and to be honest I just want to marry her already. I actually got stronger in the army, I did a lot of exercise while in the army it wasn't that bad.

One day in the army one of the soldiers told me that there was superhero's in jump city and one was a boy that had some sort of animal transformation powers his name was beast boy, there was also a girl and was dating beast boy and she had telekinesis powers and meditates a lot and also flys her name is Raven. There were two more superhero's and one was another guy and was a robot and has different gadgets his name was cyborg and of course has a girlfriend which is the other superhero girl and she has wings and something else her name is bumble bee.

So yeah oh and there's one more superhero she's a girl and she has starbolt powers, super strength, and can fly. She also has orange skin like Kori, green emerald eyes also like Kori, red hair which is like once again Kori, and is tall also like Kori. Omg Kori can't be a superhero can she? Nah I don't think so. Her name of the superhero is starfire. Though the way they described her looks pretty much like Kori. Ok I can't stop saying Kori now!

I got home and walked to the front door. Omg I can't wait to see my girl. I walked inside and I saw Kori's beautiful face like how it was before. She ran to me and kissed me, I hugged her so tight and I didn't want to let go of her.

I missed her so much!" Kori I missed you so much! I love you babe!" I said happily with a big smile on my face." I missed you too very much! I love you too baby!" Kori said excited. We talked about everything we did when we were apart. It was still daytime and we just snuggled together.

" babe?" Said kori.


" yeah?" Richard said. It was finally time to tell him that I am a superhero. That I'm...... Starfire.

So I hope you guys liked it! In sorry if you didn't but there's more in the story.😉

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