Have been Tagged

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Okay I have been tagged by fangirl3lover and also Robstarfan_666 so here I go!

Facts about me

1) I love RobStar and BBRae
2) i hate ships like Robrae, BBstar, CyStar, and CyRae!
3) I'm a teenager
4) I'm barely to 8th grade which is my last year of middle school
5) I'm 13 years old
6) i love Mexico
7) I'm a girl (duh)
8) I'm the youngest from my three brothers
9) i love teen titans (kinda like teen titans go!) and also Girl Meets World
10) I have a dog and a kitty!!

That's all I can come up with lol so yeah and btw I'm writing a new chapter right now (love Him)

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