Chapter {2}- His Butler, Unexpected

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It's been a month and you were still grumpy and less wanting attention like for example when Sebastian wants to cuddle you or nuzzle your small baby bump, you easily just scoff and turn away or push him away and go to the bathroom to puke in the toilet or take a bath. Normally that would make Sebastian angry or upset since you didn't want his love and affection but he knows the cause of your attitude. Sebastian would do things that you didn't like or that you easily get embarrassed for like the time he made you wear a pair of lace panties all day and had to sit in his lap whenever he got the chance to sit down. You got to see Haru around the Manor but you haven't seen Yukio, you were with Haru in the library since he wanted to find a book he saw when he was younger plus he is very excited to have a new sibling and wants a little sister so Catherine won't get lonely which touched your heart.

You smiled and looked at the bookcase "Have you found it, yet Mom?" He asked looking down at you since he was on the ladder and you shook your head as you rubbed your month baby bump. Haru sighed and continued to look for the book "Haru, why haven't I seen Yukio around? Is he okay?" You questioned looking up at Haru and you could tell he was trembling. He came down from the ladder and looks at you "Y-yeah! He's fine! Well I'll see you later!!" He said before quickly ran out of the library leaving you alone. You tilted your head "I wonder what's with him? Oh let's see if I can find that book he's been looking for" you murmur looking back at the bookcase and continued to rub slowly your extending stomach.

I feel bad that I lied to Mom but I have to keep Yukio's secret from him and Dad. I stood in front Masters Alex's room door and knocked and heard 'Come in' before I opened the door and walked in. I saw my younger twin sitting on the bed "Hey bro, you okay?" I asked and he jumped before turning his whole body to me "HARU!!! Don't Scare Me Like That!!" He exclaimed making me grin. I scratched the back of my head as I walked towards him "Sorry bro........but......Mom is wondering where you are and is getting worried plus he hasn't told you the news yet" I told him and he looked at me in confusion "What news?" I cracked another grin "We're Having A New Sibling!!!!" I cheered and laughed at my brothers face.

He crack a grin too and laughed as well but it dies down after a while "...... Should I tell Mom about problem?" He asked looking down at his lower abdomen and I sighed "I think you should...... Mom wants to see you and is getting worried" I told him again and he sighed before nodding "I'll tell him when I get the chance" he said and I nodded and went to the door "Well, I'll see you tonight.....I have to get to work before I let Bardroy burn the kitchen again!!" I said and walked out of the room then quickly ran back down the hall, hoping Bardroy won't burn the kitchen down again. I kept thinking about Yukio's situation now 'Oh, what is Mom and Dad going to do once they know about Yukio's problem' I thought as I slid down the stair rail.


I trudged up the stairs while grumbling 'Damn you, Sebastian!! Once this baby's out, I'm really going to remove your cock straight off!!!' I thought as I trudged down the hallway. I'm mad at Sebastian now and you want to know why? Well he embarrassed me by lifting up my shirt showing my baby bump then rubs it while whispering naughty things in my ear!!! I narrowed my eyes then gasp when I felt something thump my stomach wall making me look down 'How can that be? It's not even a few months and it's kicking now!! I'm only one month in!!' I thought in confusion as I stared at my tummy before sighing.

I looked up again and slowly continued walk down the hallway until I saw a door creak open "M-mommy, c-can I speak to y-you?" I turned my head and saw Yukio peeking his head out of the door, shyly as ever. I smiled knowing he was okay and nodded "What do you need, sweetheart?" I asked coming closer and stopped in front of him, he looked at me with his (e/c) eyes that held...... Worry? Fear? Why is he afraid? I looked at him and was about to speak but he closed the door and I could hear his footsteps going away from the door. I knocked on the door "Yukio....... Are you alright? Please answer me.........your worrying me to much" I spoke softly and I listened if he answered "Open the......door" I heard him say and I sighed in relief and smiled. I opened the door "Now what did you-" I immediately stopped myself and looked what was in front of me "M-Mommy!!! I-I'm S-Scared!!" He shouted with tears coming down as I stood there in shock.

'How did this happen?! And how will Sebastian react to this!?!'

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