Chapter {7}- Meeting Little Damian

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"It's a..."

It's been about 8 hours since you came back to the Manor with little Damian, your and Sebastian's new little boy. It was quite a shock that he had dark violet eyes and a small black with (h/c) tips tuft on his head, he was a cute baby boy too! You were sitting in the rocking chair with little Damian in your arms, he was a little fussy when he woke up from his nap. You smiled as he clutches your shirt and you caress his pale cheek with your finger, he moved a bit but stayed asleep.

Sebastian was giving Ciel a lesson on the American Revolutionary War (I was Crying When I Put That!!T^T) along with Alex, Arthur and Alfred. Catherine was with Mako who was already walking and talking properly and Haru and Yukio, Yukio was in depression when he went into labor and the baby wasn't alive when it was born but that was in the past now and he's happy with Mako. Damian yawned and opened his little eyes, he whimpered when you heard a small little growl coming from his tummy. You chuckled and kissed his forehead as he wriggled his nose like a cute bunny, you were finished producing milk so you couldn't breastfeed and had to feed him a bottle. You looked at the small table next to you and started to make a bottle of milk with a bit of your blood mixed in with the milk. Whenever Dami was hungry, he would bite down on your nipple and get some blood in with the milk you were producing.

You looked at him and gave him the bottle, you rocked in a nice slow pace. The door opened and some footsteps were coming up behind you, a pair of white gloved hands comes over your eyes and you chuckled silently knowing who it is "Guess who is it?" You thought for a moment "Hmm... Not Meyrin... Not Bard... And definitely not Finny or Tanaka.... Not my masters... Not Ciel..... Not my kids......... Ha! Pluto! That's Who!!!" You answered smiling and a grunt of irritation came from whoever had their hands over your eyes before they were pulled away and a familiar face came into your sight "Oh... It was you, Sebastian... I didn't know it was you!" You said smiling oh so innocently and he rolled his eyes before looking at little Dami who was finished with his bottle. "So how'd the lesson go?" You asked and Sebastian sat down in a cushioned chair that was in front of you "It went well except for Arthur crying and Alfred looking down in sadness but it went well" he answered looking at you.

You chuckled 'Well.... It's the magic trios fault for turning every personification of each countries into children even if they're thousands years old' you thought as you chuckled and you looked at Dami who was cooing softly. Sebastian stood up and took Dami out of your arms, you smiled "Everyone thinks Damian is a girl" you said softly standing up and stretched your arms and back. Sebastian smiled and nodded as he waves his finger in front of Damian who was cooing happily "Yes... I think someone needs to meet everyone" he said smiling at Damian, you walked towards them and took Dami away from Sebastian "Love.... Why did you take Dami from his own father?" Sebastian asked pouting cutely and you looked at him and looked away. You put Damian on the bed and you put on a baby carrier that someone got you for Damian before he was born, you picked up Damian and put him in the carrier.

The carrier was in front of you, the straps were around your left shoulder and went down to your right side of your stomach. It was tightly strapped around you so that Damian wouldn't fall, you caressed his small head as he snuggles against the soft fabric that was next to your chest making you smile. Arms went around your waist and a chin on your shoulder "Maybe another wouldn't be bad, right kitten~" Sebastian whispered in your ear making a tick mark come on your head "If you want your cock cut off and up your ass then don't mention on having more kids...... Four kids is enough" you threaten slowly turning your head to Sebastian with a evil glint in your eyes. Sebastian's gulped 'Who knew..... He cans be scary while holding our newborn' he thought stepping away from you, a little scared of your threat.

You sighed and looked at little Dami who was giggling. You chuckled and turned around to Sebastian "Let's go and see everyone" you said and he nodded before opening the door for you and you walked out of the door with Sebastian following you out and closed the door behind him. Everyone was wondering what gender little Damian was when he was still in your womb and they started to make bets on the gender. You and Sebastian walked down the hallway with little Damian cooing in his sleep "I told everyone to be in Ciel's study and wait until we come in" Sebastian said looking at you and you nodded. The three of you finally made it to Ciel's study and Sebastian looked at you before opening the door to show everyone was there, staring at you and Sebastian.

I waved slightly and smiled "Heeey" I said hesitantly as me and Sebastian walked in the room. "So what's the gender?" Alex asked looking at little Damian who was sleeping still in the his little hammock, I looked at Sebastian and we looked at them "It's a...... Boy!!" I started and Sebastian finished. Alfred, Bard, Ciel cheered making Dami wake up and cry. I looked at him and started to rock him to sleep, he starts to calm down for a bit and looked around, Finny and Meyrin came over and looked at him "He's so cute!!" They squealed and Dami looked at them and hid his face from them "He's shy....when was he born?" I looked at Sebastian to see him gazing around and whistling.

I sighed and looked at the two "...8....hours ago...heh" I said hesitantly looking at Damian, who was looking around and cooed. Everyone was looking at me "What?" I asked "Nothing!" They answered and I rolled my eyes, I picked up Damian in my arms and looked at Sebastian who was giving me that look. I handed him Damian and he smiled, Dami cooed and snuggled into Sebastian's neck. 'Awww' came into the room and Damian peeked out of Sebastian's neck and looked around. Sebastian leaned his head on Damian's and kisses his little head before handing him to Alex, who asked if he could hold Damian. I watched as everyone looked at little Damian and felt arms go around my waist making me chuckle "After 3 years almost 4, I couldn't be happier with you here with me, Love" Sebastian whispered in my ear before kissing it making me smile and blush a bit.

I placed my hand on his cheeks and leaned my head on his chest "But still.... You still have your little breasts~" he said kicking my earlobe and my eyes widen as red went over my cheeks. He cupped them and moved them making me hold in a moan and I squirmed around "S-stop it Sebastian!" I whispered yelled looking at him and he chuckled before kissing me which I returned. I pulled away and smiled "I love you Sebby~" I said and he looked at me before nuzzling into my neck "I love you too... Kitty~" I blushed a bit more and looked at everyone who was playing with little Dami. I hope nothing happen to my little Dami, I kissed Sebastian's cheek and hugged him. His eyes widen before they went back and he hugged me back.

I snuggled into his chest and looked off to the side and smiled, 'I have a wonderful husband, four wonderful children and my masters.... What could I ask for more' I thought before me and Sebastian joined in everyone with little Damian cooing and smiling. I'm happy with the people I'm with now. I couldn't ask for more than I have now.

-The End

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