Chapter Eight

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"Are you really going to stand right out here?" Eliza asked as she opened the bathroom door. Jarod stood right beside the door, by moving an inch. "It's not like I can go anywhere."

He sighed, "Just hurry up."

"Yeah yeah," she muttered bitterly, closing the door behind her and locking it as she walked into the closet-sized bathroom.

She sighed in exhaustion, walking over to the mirror above the sink. As she stared at her reflection, she started to realize how sickly she really looked. There were dark circles under her eyes, her dark hair looked unkept and her lips were cracked and dry. Eliza looked like she had been through hell and back-which she did.

She turned to her right and there was a window just beside the mirror. She wanted to cry in joy; this was her chance. The window wasn't extremely large, but if she tried her best, she knew she could probably squeeze through the opening.

"Are you done yet?" Jarod called out from the other side.

"Almost!" She yelled and started to move with a sense of urgency. Quietly, she lifted up the window with ease, feeling her adrenaline pumping at the speed of light. The window stopped halfway, and wouldn't budge. "You've got to be kidding me," she mumble din frustration.

Eliza shrugged, knowing it was the best she could do, and slipped her self through the window. It was closing in at her waist, and she could feel the edge practically stabbing her abdomen. The detective curled her fingers on the black rims of the window from the outside, using all her strength to pull her self out. As the edge of the window scraped against her skin, Eliza had to use every ounce of endurance not to let out an aching scream.
Jarod tapped his foot on the ground impatiently as he waited. Every now and then, he'd look down at his wrist watch then back at the door. Eliza was taking forever.

"If any one knows the whereabouts of detective Eliza Chapman, please contact the NYPD. Her captor, Jarod Wilby Walters, was last seen with her," a news reporter was shown on the small tv screen near the front counter. Suddenly, a picture of Jarod was displayed on the screen.

Frantically, Jarod reached over to the door, twisting and turning the door knob to open it. The door wouldn't budge, so he practically banged on it, "Eliza, open the damn door!"

This caught the attention of the cashier, who was reaching under the counter for something, keeping his eye on Jarod the whole time. With a huff and kick, Jarod busted open the frail wooden door to reveal and empty bathroom.

Wind blew straight into his face and he glanced up to see that the window had been open. As he turned around to see where the clerk had went, he realized the clerk was no where to be found. Instead of taking the time to check if he was hiding, Jarod ran out of the gas station and searched for Eliza.

It was dark outside and the only lights that emitted was the faint glow of the gas station lights. Jarod narrowed his eyes, depending all on his senses. His car was still parked by the gas, but there was no one in there. She was gone; he had her and now she was gone.
"We got a phone call saying that someone spotted Eliza and Jarod at some gas station all the way upstate," Olivia said to Sonny, who had been lying in the hospital ever since they found him. The doctors said he had a few bruises and was malnourished, but otherwise, he'd live.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go," Sonny motioned to sit up, but Olivia stopped him short with her hand.

"Don't worry. Detective Halstead and Fin are on it and they have back-up. You need to stay here and recover," the lieutenant urged.

"I'm fine. I need to see if she's okay," he insisted.

"And we'll let you know if she's okay as soon as possible. For now, just rest. You need it."

Sonny sighed in frustration, staring back at the door impatiently. He wanted to do something and help, but all he was left to do was to lie on that hospital bed and wait.
Eliza ran like there was no tomorrow. Like there was no end to this chase, no destination- she just ran. She didn't turn back once, afraid that those few seconds shed spend looking back would determine whether she'd live or not.

Her adrenaline was pumping and all she could see is a hot white light as she sprinted down empty fields. She wasn't sure when Jarod had noticed that she escaped-or if he even did notice, but she didn't care. All that was on her mind was survival.

Her heart pounded with each step and Eliza was starting to lose hope. She was running for who who knows how long and had not seen at least one sight of civilization. Any minute now, Jarod could spot her and she's be back to square one.

Or so she thought.

So her surprise, she saw faint headlights approaching down the road. Eliza waved her arms frantically, calling for help. The car slowed down beside her, to reveal a young couple that looked in their twenties sitting in the front seats holding hands.

"Are you okay?" the driver asked, scanning her up and down with concern.

"Please, I need your help," Eliza cried desperately, struggling to speak, "He's...he's after me!"

The driver nodded, "Get in."

Eliza opened the back door and got into the back seat. "Are you cold? I think I have a blanket back there," the driver said as he started his car back up.

She slid her hand around the back seat until she felt the warm fabric of a wool blanket. "Thank you," Eliza mumbled as she draped herself in the blanket.

"No problem. Is there someone you can call?" the guy in the passenger seat asked.

She nodded and told them the first number that came to mind: Carisi's.

Last Defense (Sequel to Drastic Measures)Where stories live. Discover now