Chapter One

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"I'm just saying, ketchup on a hotdog is amazing. Don't knock it till you try it," Eliza chuckled as her and her partner Alvin walked into the station. It's been almost a year since Eliza left SVU and Chicago was starting to feel like home.

"I'll pass. At least next time I know not to get Franks with you in Chicago," Alvin laughed as well, taking a seat at his desk. Although neither of them had expected it, the pair got along quite well. Alvin became kind of like the father figure. He was the first to go on a case with her, and although he was a bit rough around the edges, he definitely had a sweet spot for her.

"Chapman, can I talk to you in my office?" Hank peered out his door, looking like he was bearing bad news.

"Sure sarge," Eliza sent a quick glance toward Alvin, hoping he would know what was going on, but he simply shrugged. Anxious, she quickly followed Hank over to his office.

"Close the door," he said, sitting down behind his desk.

She complied and closed the door behind her before she took a seat across from him. The two sat there in silence for a while, staring back at each other. There was bags under his eyes. They weren't new, but he definitely looked more exhausted than usual. "So what is it you called me here for?" Eliza finally asked, trying to break away the awkward tension.

"How do you feel about traveling?" Hank seemed genuinely curious, and it kind of scared her.

"Traveling? What for?"

"Well an old co-worker of ours who recently moved to New York is missing. I was thinking of sending you and Jay to help out Manhattan SVU with the case," he explained, leaning back on his chair.

She immediately went still. She replayed his words in her head, trying to make sense of it all. Going back to her old job? "I don't know if I'd be the right fit. Why can't Erin go with Jay? She is his partner," Eliza suggested.

"Erin's been down with a stomach virus all week. Plus you've worked at SVU so you know the ropes more than anyone," Hank mentioned. He was right, but she hadn't left on exactly great terms. "I wouldn't be asking you to do this if I didn't think you were capable."

She could tell Hank was desperate, and knew that if that missing woman was her, the whole crew wouldn't hesitate to go help. Although she knew she would regret it soon after, Eliza was willing to do it for Hank. "Fine. I'll go."

"Great. Your plane ticket and traveling expenses will be on us," Hank said, "This'll be good for ya, I promise."

"Easier said then done," Eliza muttered as she stood up from her seat to leave.

"You sure you're okay Chapman?" Jay could tell she was nervous by the way she gripped the armrest beside her. Her palms were sweating furiously, spreading over the thin leather armrest. The pit of her stomach felt heavy, churning every so often that she would have to cough to cover up the sound.

"Yeah I'm fine," she waved him off, glancing back at the window as the plane began it's descent into LaGuardia airport. She could see the faint image of tall buildings and illuminating lights getting closer.

"Are you scared of flying?" He asked.

"I wish," she muttered to herself. Flying was the least of her worries at the moment.


"Oh nothing," she gave Jay her signature smile but knew he wasn't convinced. "Look, I'm really sorry that Hank dragged me here. I know how much you wanted to do this with Erin."

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