Chapter Nine

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Everything was quiet in Carisi's hospital room except for the loud, persistent ringing of the young detective's cell phone. Sonny furrowed his brows, looking down at the buzzing phone on the table beside him. "Could you uh...?" He glanced at Olivia, who had been staring at the phone too. They had been waiting all night for a call, some indicator of any kind of progress in the case.

She picked up the cell, looking at the caller ID. "It's an unknown number," Olivia said almost breathlessly. "Do you want me to answer it?"

Carisi's bright red lips parted slightly and he nodded. He was speechless for a second, then responded with, "Put it on speaker."

Olivia nodded and answered the phone, pressing the speaker button right after. "Sonny-" they could hear Eliza choking to finish her sentence. Her voice was low and it sounded like she had been crying. "Sonny, I-"

"I'm right here, Liz. Where are you?" Carisi answered urgently, desperate to hear her voice again and hear that she's okay.

"I ran away. I-I got out, Sonny!" she cried, "These people found me. They're taking me to the hospital."

He hadn't realized it, but he had been crying too. "Oh thank god! I'm glad you're okay, Liz. Glad you're okay."

Eliza was taken to the nearest hospital by the couple, who she thanked graciously. They insisted on staying until a family member or friend came, but she convinced them she would be okay. After examining all her injuries, the doctors decided it would be best for her to stay a couple nights. She didn't argue, already relishing in the familiar feeling of a soft mattress and real food.

Halstead was the first to show up to the hospital and he had stayed overnight with Eliza, not leaving her side. "I'm just-I'm glad you're okay Chapman," Jay told her, his gaze focused solely on her eyes.

"So am I," she laughed, then suddenly grimaced, feeling a sharp pain on her ribs.

Jay quickly had his hands out, glancing at her with worry. "You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," she nodded, shifting in her hospital bed to sit up straighter. "I'm fine."

He sat back down in his seat, but still kept an eye on her. Eliza hated being seen as some fragile object that just needed to be protected. She couldn't blame him for acting the way he did though, considering all that she had been through. "Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for coming, by the way," I told him. "Since I don't really have much family and all..."

"Don't thank me. What kind of partner would I be if I didn't come along?"

"You've got a point-"

She was interrupted by the sound of light knocking at the door. The detectives both looked at each other for a second then back at the door beside them. "It's open," Jay called out.

The door swung open slowly, revealing Sonny with a cast on his left arm. "Hey," he smiled nervously as he walked in.

"Hey," Eliza smiled back. Jay could sense the awkward tension in the room and slowly stood up to leave.

"I guess I should let you two catch up. I'll be right outside if you need anything," Jay told her.

She nodded, and watched as he walked out, closing the door behind him. Once the door shut, her eyes focused back up on Sonny's cast. "Your arm..."

He looked down at it and sighed, "It'll heal. It's you I'm worried about. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "First Henry, then Walters. Criminals must love me."

"They're just pissed that they can't have you," he chuckled.

"About that," Eliza looked down at her hands, fidgeting anxiously. "What I said, back at that basement when we were all tied up, I meant what I said."

"I know," he smiled, moving his uninjured hand to her chin, lifting her face to look at him. "I did too."

"But...I moved to Chicago. I made a new life there for myself and I don't know if I can leave that," she admitted.

He nodded, dropping his hand. "I get it. And I'm not asking you to."

His smile faltered and his eyes focused past her, like he couldn't look Eliza in the eyes anymore. She knew what she said hurt, even if he wouldn't admit it. "Sonny, it's nothing against you. I'm just confused, is all."

"Could we just, not talk about it right now? I just got you back again and I want to enjoy the moment."


"Alvin, what's up?"

After almost a week at the hospital, Eliza was back at her hotel with Jay, who was helping her pack her suitcase to head back home. She paused from the packing and walked into the hallway to answer a phone call from Alvin.

"I've been trying to a get a hold on you all week, kiddo. You alright?" he asked on the other line.

"Yes," she told him.

"Everyone's been asking for you. We were all worried," he said.

"You were worried about me? That's a shocker," Eliza chuckled.

"You're like a daughter to me. Of course I'd be worried. So when are you guys headed back to Chicago?"

"Tonight," she said sadly, leaning against the door.

"You don't sound too excited."

She sighed, "Remember that guy I told you about that used to be my partner in svu?"

"Yeah. Carisi, right?"

"That's the one," Eliza confirmed. "Well, he still has feelings for me."

There was a brief pause on the other line. "Do you still have feelings for the guy?"

"Yeah," she admitted. "But I'm heading back to Chicago and he's here in New York. It wouldn't work out between us."

"You'll never know if you don't give it a shot. Look, we've been partners for a while now and from what I've seen, you really love this guy. So don't give up on him just cause of something small like distance."

"Maybe you're right Alvin," she exclaimed. "Thank you and I'll see you soon."

"Alright. Later kiddo."


Eliza walked back into the hotel room just in time to see Jay zipping up her suitcase. "Everything alright?" Jay asked, turning to face her.

"Mhm," she smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem," Jay smiled back, "We've got a couple hours to kill till our flight. Do you want to go out for lunch?"

"Yeah sure, " she nodded, "Can we stop by somewhere first? I have to do something important."

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