Chapter Ten

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"I'll be back in a few minutes. This'll be quick," Eliza said to Jay as she stepped out of the cab. They parked right in front of Carisi's apartment building.

"Okay. I'll just be here," Jay smiled and waved.

Eliza nodded before turning to enter the building. Her flight was soon and she still wasn't sure what exactly she planned to say to him. It seemed so easy to think about it on the ride there but now that the moment finally arrived, she was filled with pure anxiety.

Once Chapman got to the front door, all she could do was stand there for a moment, her fist hovering nervously over the door. "You can do this," she whispered to herself before lightly knocking.

After a few seconds, the door swung open to reveal Sonny in a white t-shirt and grey sweats, with disheveled scruffy hair, looking like he just woke up. He rubbed his tired eyes then formed a smile, "Hey Liz. What's up?"

"Hi um...can we talk?" She asked.

"Yeah sure," he stepped aside to let her in, "Come inside."

Eliza nodded and walked into his all too familiar house. She remembered the first time he invited her there. It was after a movie date and they ended up talking all night till she fell asleep on the couch. He carried her all the way to his room and the next morning made her breakfast in bed. So many wonderful memories were in that home.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Sonny asked as he took a seat on the couch.

Eliza sat beside him, looking down at her hands as she tried to figure out what to say. It was like she couldn't form a coherent sentence anymore. " plane is leaving soon. And I thought I should tell you-"

"That this is officially goodbye," he sighed, looking rather disappointed.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Look Sonny, my feelings for you never went away. Not for a second," Eliza started to explain, starting to gain a bit of confidence, "And even though I made a life for myself back at Chicago, I'm willing to put it all away if you want me to. I just need to hear you say it."

"Liz, I..." Sonny trailed off, left practically speechless. He wanted her to stay so badly, but he knew that was the selfish side of him talking. Eliza had her own life, heck she had a promotion back in Chicago. And he wasn't sure if he could let her abandon all that just for him. "I think you should go back to Chicago."

"Wait-what?" She finally glanced up at him with wide eyes. She didn't expect that answer; well more like she didn't want it.

"I can't let you just give up everything just for me Eliza. That wouldn't be right," he shook his head. "I know this probably sounds cliché, but if you love someone, sometimes you just have to let em' go."

Eliza sighed, knowing he may have had a point. She thought back to what Alvin told her on the phone. Don't give up on him just cause of something small like distance.

"How about we make a compromise? We could make this a long-distance thing until I find a job offer over here," she suggested. It wasn't the best idea, but it was worth a shot. "Maybe Liv can offer me my job back."

"I don't know, Eliza. Are you sure that's a good idea? I won't even be able to visit you much, it's like a twelve hour drive to Chicago from here. Are you sure we'd be ready to go long distance?" Sonny told her.

"I feel ready. And we can work out the logistics later, but I know that we can do this. I've been gone a year and your feelings didn't go away, so what's a little time apart going to do?" She looked down at her watch. "Look, my plane is about to leave in an hour. I gotta go. Will you think about it and give me a call when I land?"

"Sure Liz," he said as he stood up to walk her out. "Be safe."

"I'll try. Bad luck seems to be my middle name," Eliza chuckled as she got to the now open door. "Guess this is goodbye?"

In the spur of the moment, Sonny pressed his lips softly onto hers. He pulled away slowly, smiling down at her. "No, this is more of a see you later."

Eliza smiled in return. "I love you."

"Love you too, Chapman."


Halstead and Chapman got to their flight just in time. The ride was quiet at first, the two unsure what to say. Jay finally decided to break the silence with a question. "This is familiar," Jay smiled, looking past you, through the window.

"Yeah. Here we are on a flight, and I'm anxious once again," Eliza chuckled.

"What did you tell him? If you mind me asking."

"I suggested that we try long-distance. Just for a short while till I find a job in New York again," she said.

"You're quitting the Chicago unit?" Jay asked, looking hurt.

"Yeah, but not now. Don't worry," Eliza assured, yet Jay was not convinced. "Jay, i want to thank you for everything you've done for me since we got to New York. I couldn't be anymore grateful."

He shook his head, "You don't need to thank me-"

"Yes I do. I was so reluctant to come back here, but now I realized that this is where I belong, back at SVU with Sonny," she continued, "Sorry if I'm getting all emotional. That's all I wanted to say."

"Well we're all gonna miss you when you go, Chapman," Jay gave a reassuring smile. "I may not agree with it, but as log as you're happy, I'm happy."

"You know what? First thing when we land in Chicago, I'm buying you a drink," Eliza said with a smile.

"You sure about that? I mean the last time..." Jay trailed off, sending her a knowing look.

"Emphasis on a drink," Eliza grinned.

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