Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Dedicated to Souljahsistah because she is awesome <3

There were clothes everywhere! No wonder he told me not to pack any clothes, I definitely didn’t need them!

I turned my head to Jex with my mouth hanging open, but he had already gone to clean up the mess downstairs. 

Cheeky devil.

Walking into the closet (which was more like a room) I ran my hands over the racks of tops, dresses, skirts, everything! There was no way in hell I would ever manage to wear all of these clothes...

Ok maybe I could.

A beeping noise from behind me dragged my attention from the forest of clothes to the bed. My phone! I completely forgot i’d packed it! Running over to my phone, I picked it up hastily, my fingers fumbling with the keys.

“Hello?” I called, forgetting to check the caller ID.

“Nina! Where’ve ya been, stranger?” Josie’s welcome voice came through the receiver, and a pang of guilt hit me in the chest. My best friend. I haven’t spoken to her since the party, and it feels like so much has happened since then. Did she get home from the party ok? God, i’m a sucky best friend.

“Jose! Are you ok?” 

“I was gonna ask you the same thing! I haven’t heard anything from you since you left with Mr. sex-on-legs,” Her voice turned coy and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “I want details.” She finished.

“Well... If you really want to know...” I started, trying to keep my grin at bay.

“Nina Whyte, you tell me what happened right now.” She said, her voice stern.

“Well, Jex drove me back to my place, and just as I was about to open the car door he said, ‘Wait, Nina. Don’t go.’ and he bit his lip and leaned closer. I mean, things were getting pretty tense and just as I was about to combust, he held up my jacket and said, ‘You almost forgot this’ and we parted in such sweet sorrow. It was magical.”

I waited for her reaction, but the phone was silent.

“Josie?” She probably knew I was teasing her and hung up. 

“Hello?” I tried again, and pressed the phone harder to my ear.

“We’re no longer friends.” Came her dry reply.

“Noooo!” I pleaded, giggling uncontrollably.

“Anyway! Shh, you’ll never guess what!” 

“What?” I asked curiously.

“I heard there’s a party tonight at the Landons house!” She squealed loudly down the phone and I winced at the fact I forgot to mention my whole... living situation.

“I heard it from Kasey who heard it from Joey who heard it from Beccy, but apparently it’s ‘invite only’... again!”

“Oh damn! Bummer, well I guess we can just go to the next one?” Stop talking Josie!

“Don’t fret young one! We can just gate crash it again.” I could her the sneaky smile in her tone. Crap.

“Urm, I don’t think that’s a good idea Josie...” I trailed off unsure, not wanting to hurt her feelings. It’s hard enough having to keep my relationship with the... wolves a secret!

“Why not? We did it last time?” 

My tongue burned with the need to tell her everything, but I knew I couldn’t. 

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