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------Star's POV------

We walked into this big white and grey room, children younger and older than us walked around some like us in normal clothing walking with imperials and other's in cadet uniforms on some with helmets others without. We walked up to a big desk with a bunch of computers on it. I saw the lady type in our details and print out some paper work. 

She turned to use and said, "Both of you will change into these and head to room 2-B for testing ASAP," 

She gave us each a uniform and left, we put them on and started to walk to the testing room.

"These helmets will be the death of me there so un-comfy," Nova moaned

"Stop moaning come on lets go," I retorted

When we reached the testing room there were about 10 children including us. Then we noticed two imperial officials and Agent Eryn talking.

"Okay everyone is here, Hello I am Agent Eryn I will be your teacher along with Taskmaster Louv and Commandant Song. Today you will show us how well you use a blaster, How well you can solve problems, you will show us your agility and you will have a blood test. We will start with blaster testing Star Kell your first,"



Sorry this is soooo short but I am just starting my GCSE's my last exam is on the 24th of June so I will be updating  as much as possible but sometimes i wont be able to I'm sooooo soooooo sorry but longer and faster updates will be happening after June  

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