7-Food and Fights

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<Next day>

"Lunch finally," I said.

"You sitting with us today?" Simon asked.

"Nope, told MItch I sitting at their table," I said.

"See ya," Simon said. I saluted him bye. I go over to sit at The Pack's table when I notice Kacy and Vik at the Sidemen table and there is a blonde girl sitting next to Lachlan. I take the empty seat next to her.

"Hey," I said. Preston, who is sitting next to me said hey. Then the others say hey.

"HI, I'm Lana," the girl next to me said.

"Oh hey, I'm Ash," i said.

"Oh, I know, Lana said. "I'm Lachlan's girlfriend." She grabbed his arm her hands and put her head on his shoulder. I just nodded.

"Pres-" I started to say, but got interrupted.

"Are you guys related?" Lana asked me. "Preston and you."

"No," me and Preston said in unison. This happens often now or always.

"Are you sure? You guys look alike," Lana said.

"We're sure," Preston said.

"Do you guys know you're parents?" Lana asked. That's a dumb question.

"Yeah, mom and dad," I said looking at her with an eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Um, only my birth mom. I have a step-dad, though," Preston answered. I nodded. I knew this already. He told me.

"Hmm," Lana said thinking. "Was your hair always black?"

"No," I said. I looked at the other boys. My eyes stopped at Preston's hair. "It was the color of Preston's hair actually."

"Interesting," Lana said.

'Okay, this chick is weird AF' I thought.

"So you pumped for spring break, Ash?" MItch asked.

"When's that?" I asked.

"Um, after tomorrow," MItch said.

"Today's Thursday, right?" I questioned.

Mitch nodded.

"Then, yes," I said. "I would be happy to get away from this hell hole."

"What about us?' Preston asked playfully being offended.

"I don't know, I kinda hate you guys," I said smiling.

"We hate you, too," Preston said and hugged me which caused me to drop spaghetti onto his arm. He pull away from the hug.

"Darude," Preston said taking the spaghetti off his arm. He flung the spaghetti at me and hit my face.

"You didn't?" I said taking the spaghetti off my face. I grabbed a handful of spaghetti and threw it and Preston. He ducked at hit Jerome in the chest.

"Free food," Jerome said taking a piece of spaghetti. He was going to put it in his mouth, but threw it at me. I ducked and so did Lana.It hit Lachlan. Lachlan grabbed some food from his plate and threw it accidently hitting Mitch. Mitch flings a grapes at me, but it goes passed me and I follow it. It goes all the way to the Sidemen table and hit JJ in the back of his head. He turn around and were all covering our mouths trying to not laugh. JJ throws a grape back at us and hit Preston. Preston throws spaghetti at him and it hit 2 of the other Sidemen. They throw food at us and soon we start a food fight. Everyone else in the cafeteria is watching s throw food back and forth.

"Stop!!" Someone screams. We all stop, but someone throws spaghetti and that someone is me, and hits the principal. The bad thing is, she has a pure white suit on.

"All of you office now," Mrs. Cali screamed.

We all hurry to the office laughing. The Sidemen are ahead of us and I hurry to approach them.

"Hey, guys," I said.

"Hey," they say back. They are all covered in food.

"Ash, you might get you're first detention on a big thing at this school," Simon said and put his arm around my shoulders. I get goosebumps and my heart starts to pound faster.

'What is happening to me?'

Then a voice in my head said, 'You like him.'

'Thats absurd,' I thought.

'Its the truth,' the voice said.

'I don't even know what love is and how it feels.'


I feel like this a short chapter compared to what I usually write.So, what is this Lana girl thinking? Most importantly, does Ash like Simon? I don't know, myself and I'M the author ;) Don't have much to say, so BYe Peoples and Doods!!!!!

-Mich <3

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