21-My Truth

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I push myself away from the Mitch's hug and I sling my backpack off me and I open it. I see my mask. I look up at everyone. Everyone was there.

"Ash, what are you doing?" Lana asked.

"Lana, I'm done. I don't want to lie to them no more and I know the pain is killing you, too," I said.

"It is, but you are going to get yourself killed," Lana said.

"So," I said. I turn to everyone.I look at Simon and we lock eyes, but he immediately looks away.

"Ash, are you okay?" Kacy asked.

"No," I said. "Kacy, I'm sorry."

I started to cry a little more.

"What are you talking about?" Kacy asked. I lift my mask out of my backpack and drop my backpack. Some of them gasp. Kacy looks down at her arm, and then back at me with disgust.

"It was you," Kacy shouted. I nodded.

"And you have every right to get mad and yell at me, but I did it for a reason," I said.

"You cut my arm, you robbed my stuff, you...you..." She screamed, but then started to get more quiet.

"I'm sorry," I said through crying.

"You hurt us!" Kacy shouts at me.

"Kacy, shut up," Lana said.

"BUt she-"

"I know what she did, but she has a reason," Lana interrupted her.

"The people who did this," Preston pointed at his injury, "had mask like those."

"I know, because I know the people who did that to you," I said and looked down.

"Ash, think about what you're doing," Paige said. "You are going to get yourself killed and probably them."

"They took everything I love away and they harmed the ones I love. They could kill me and I wouldnt even care," I said. I turn to everyone else who is just staring at me in fear, confusion, anger and sadness. "GUys, I need to tell you something and I think you should hear me out till the end."

Everyone nods.

"So when I was younger I got introduced to the Angels. The Angels were a girl group that stole and killed at night.Um so I trained there and I stole different things from different people and soon I became one of the most skilled and trained there. I moved up to be a 0 one of the strangest there," I explained and showed them my wrist. "I was also the richest there and everyone else was poor, but I didn't care enjoyed the rush that came with breaking into the houses, but then one night." I looked over at Paige and she knew which night I was talking about. She was there that same night. "We were robbing a house and we all had our mask up and then a little girl came running down the stairs. I was the closest to her, so I grabbed her and covered her mouth. The one who was leading the group told me to kill her because she had seen us without our masks and I didn't want to do it because she was little, but they made me and I did. Later that night i had found out she was only 9 years old and had cancer. "I paused for a moment to let it all sink in. "So then I got angry at the Angel for doing that to me and I got angry and the way I took it out was at innocent people at my old school. There were these one boys that pissed off an Angel and they had me hurt them because I had already bullied them. They ended up in the hospital. Then they made me trash a teacher's car in my next school.

After that I couldn't take it and I left the Angels and early Sunday morning and I mean midnight, I was taking a walk and they came up to me. They threatened me. They said if I didn't come back they would kill...you guys." I stopped and took a breath. I looked at everyone and they all looked mad, scared, sad, and more confused. "They told me I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone, but JJ, Mitch and Lana. They said if I talked to anyone they would kill my family and I thought it only meant my mother and father and sister, so I didn't care,but then they mentioned Preston and his family, too. Then they threatened all of your guys lives, so I had to do what I had to do. I had to ignore you guys to save your precious life. I also had to break up with Simon or else he wouldn't leave me alone. Then I got more frustrated and more frustrated. I yelled at Preston and now he probably hates me and you have every right, too. " I look at Preston and he looks down. "Then yesterday, they told me they were coming here, to the school to trash it, vandalize it and steal, so they made me come along. I had to cut Kacy's arm or the cut would have been much deeper. I'm sorry for everything I did, but I did it for a reason. I love all of you guys and I'm hoping you to forgive me. I'm not expecting you, too because that's on your own account. I'm just sorry."

Mitch gives me a side hug. Lana and Paige come over to stand with me.

"Ash," Simon said. I look up at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"You should have done that," a voice said. I look up and see Alysha with 5 Angel members standing there.

"How did you know I was up here?' I asked. "How did you even get in the school?"

"Darling we have spies everywhere and since you just told everyone your little secret you have to pay," Alysha said. She look to one of them and nodded. The Angel went over to Kacy and stabbed her leg. Kacy screamed.

Wait there are still police here. I go over to the edge. I look down and see the police cars still there. Someone of them were already looking up here because of Kacy's scream. They see me.

"Don't you dare," Alysha said.

"Ash!" Preston screamed. I looked over and saw Alysha had a knife to Preston's throat.

"Alysha let him go," I said slowly walking over.

"Don't take a step closer," Alysha said. I looked behind her and saw a girl take off her mask. Christy. She slowly made her way up to Alysha and kicked her behind her knees and stabbed the hand she was using to hold the knife. Alysha dropped the knife. Christy kicked her back and she let go of Preston. Preston ran over to Rob who held him.

"Thanks," I told Christy. Paige runs over to the edge and starts to yell at them. I hear a gunshot go off and pains goes through my left shoulder. I scream in pain and clutch it. Alysha had a gun.

"Run!" I scream at the guys. Vik helps Kacy and they run. Mitch pulls Simon, who wanted to stay and help. I go over to Alysha and kicked the gun at her hand. She takes a knife out and tries to stab me, but I punch her. She kicks one of my legs with all her power and I almost lose my balance, but I stay up. She swings again, but I duck and trip her. She grabs the leg she kicked and pulled me down. I fell and I looked around. Paige, Lana, and Christy are fighting the others. I feel her get up and then a pain shot up my leg along with the sound of a crack. I wanted to scream so much, but I got up and stood on one of my legs. I took off my shoe and got close to her.

"Alysha, I'm one of the most skilled 0s more a reason," I said and took a knife out of my shoe and stab her shoulder. Alysha cries out. I quickly go to the floor and grab the gun she had. I get up and point the gun at her. Then a gunshot went out and I didn't pull the trigger. I fell to my knees and i clutched the side of my stomach.

"Ash!" I hear someone scream. I hear more gunshots go off and more people call my name. I see the police coming to the roof. The last thing I see is Simon's face.

"I love you," I said and blacked out

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