My Dear Beloved; Feisty?

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Chapter Three -
My Dear Beloved;


With a growl of discomfort, I unlatched the child from my back. The storm outside was sure to wash away our scent, but it was best to stay healthy. If we'd gone out there, the percentage of falling ill was probable.

"A-kaa-San." The pup whined as we both heard her stomach growl with hunger.

"I told you to eat before we left, halfling!" The harsh words slipped my lips, the she-pup cowering slightly.

"Ah," I realized my mistake, "I'm sorry halfling, it was not my intention to scare you." She still looked frightened, but was more scared of the rain and thunder outside.

"Come here, halfling." I cooed, opening my arms for her to crawl into.

As she began to curl up in my lap, I heard a man's laughter from deeper in the cave. It was a demon.

"That's kinda cute." He spoke with common slang.

"Who are you, pup?"

"Pup? I am the leader of my pack, I'll have you know!" I chuckled at his sentence structure.

"I am 216 years old, pup," he blanched at this statement, "You are much too young to challenge me in anything except naivety and stupidity."

"How are you so old?!" He cried, ignoring my last sentence.

Irritation was visible on my face as I heard the she-pup squeal, "A-kaa-San old!"

"You got that right, kid. She can also haunt you in your dreams, watching you all night." He said, scaring the day lights out of my pup,

"Stop telling my pup such horrid things!" I pulled the halfling close to me, muffling her tears and wails.

Time-Skip From Akaru's Age

"I'm Koga," the wolf demon explained, holding his aching head as though he'd been hit a few times on the head. He had been hit once, and the bruise was all puffed up.

"And? I'm Akaru-this is my halfl-pup. We have been traveling for a few days and got caught in this storm when you just happened to show up."

The wolf's dark brown or black(I have no idea) tail rose-gravity-defying-up with surprise, "But from the way you were breathing, I was sure you'd been hiding from somebody."

Dang it, how'd he know?

"Nope! Must've been the storm. The little one gets really scared during storms." I fired off a partial lie. The halfling does get scared of storms(that of which I discovered today), but we'd been running from someone. We still don't know who it was though...

"Anyways," I quickly changed the topic, "where's your pack?"

"..." He didn't respond.

It seems as if something bad had happened to his pack. My eyes softened, and I was about to say something when another wolf-demon popped out of nowhere.

"Hey Koga! What're ya gonna do with the-" He stopped mid-sentence when he saw me.

Anger and irritation built up quickly inside of me. Koga-that mutt will regret this.

"Koga..." He looked at me cautiously, knowing what I was about to say.

I flexed my claws eagerly, and heard him gulp uncertainly in the background, "Care to tell me what's going on?"

"T-Too feisty!" Koga shouted, afraid as my demonic aura seeped out.

"Sc-Scary!" Agreed the other wolf-demon.

"Go cry to your mommies then, pups." I snarled angrily.

The two shrieked and hid in the back of the cave. When I had finally calmed down, the she-pup tugged on my long sleeve and yawned. I was still annoyed, but found enough heart in me to go to sleep(for the halfling's sake) before I beat up the brats.

"Nigh-nigh A-kaa-San." The she-pup whispered as she fell asleep.

Amazement filled my eyes. This pup, that had gone through so much, had already said her first few words in front of me. The progress, though without a good teacher, was excellent!

"Where's that pup from after all?" Koga called from the back of the cave.

"I guess you would notice that we're different... She's from a village south of here. They were all murdered by some demons, all except her." My eyes clouded slightly as I became enveloped in my thoughts and memories.

"Akaru! Akaru! Come here darling!" I heard a voice call out to me. It was mother!

"Come here!" She called once again, slightly frustrated.

"COME HERE!" Mother no longer sounded happy and pure. She sounded like an ogre. Evil, ugly, and a hoarse voice to boot.

"Akaru... Akaru! Akaru? Wake up!"

Shocked back to reality by the pup and Koga calling out to me. The first thing I noticed was that it had stopped raining and thundering.

"Woah!" I muttered, looking at the pup after fully waking up.

"A-kaa-San proud! Me know name! Ura! Haru! Ura Haru! Ura Haru!" She cheered each time, and I gazed proudly at her.

"Yes, my halfling. Mother is very proud of Ura." I smiled and hugged the amnesiac pup.

"More like granny." Grumbled the pack leader.

My glare sent him running back to the cave wall, and his friend awoke to his frantic screaming.

"Feisty granny!"

And with that, I took Ura and left. There's no need for me to let my halfling stay around a bad role model.


A/N; Hey guys! How'd you like it? I would love it if someone would offer to proofread or help with the story's progression! Any suggestions or questions are welcome! Feel free to critique my story as you like, but please keep it as candy-sweet as you can.
(^O^)I'm almost out of school! Just a few more field trips and I'm on 10/7. Sorry I can't be on more, but I'm rather busy even in the summer.

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