My Dear Beloved; On The Run

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Chapter 2 -
My Dear Beloved;
On The Run


I grimaced as I felt the warm sunlight hit my face fade into cold wind. Opening my eyes annoyed, I leapt off of my branch with my things and landed safely in the ground. It was uncomfortable to sit in that tree the whole night. Demons came and went, but none bothered me because of my sword and mask.

My mask is white with purple upside down triangles below the eyes, and the eyes are surrounded by a splattered red color that looks like blood. It is distorted; the wood mask is warped after many years. The white paint-like substance is slowly crackling off.

"I guess it's time to head off." I grumbled to no one in particular, pulling my mask back on. It was comfy on my face.

Walking East, I noticed a mountain up ahead. This was going to be one heck of a trip, huh? Sniffing the air, I caught a whiff of wolf demons up in the mountains. It's probably a pack. I was about to turn around and leave, but heard wolves fighting up the mountain.

Darting up the mountainside, I could sense the enemy of the wolves; the darkest aura I had ever felt. The wolves didn't seem to be in the wrong from so far away. I guess the truth of the matter is the actual story.

There were some yelps and sorrowful howls further up the mountain. After a few more seconds, the noises stopped completely. In my panic, I hurried on. If there was still someone alive then I could help them.

I finally seemed to arrive at the scene. Blood was everywhere, bodies of wolf demons and simple wolves lay in rows, as if they were prisoners executed for heinous crimes. Among the bodies were young children; all dead.

"How cruel..." I choked on my own saliva as I remembered my childhood.

A shriek of terror brought me back to the present. My head whipped towards the sound. It was a pup. The pup's eyes weren't focused on me; merely on the bodies behind me.

During this time, I decided to interrogate it. The poor thing needs to realize this is life, I thought irritably.

"Are your parents among these?"

All the response I got was the pup's weak legs collapsing. The answer was obvious.

"Do you have any other relatives?" My voice was barely above a whisper as I once again remembered my parents, regretting my former thought.

No words came out of its mouth. I'll take that as a no.

Using this time to comfort the pup, I came closer, realizing it was a girl. The child looked to be about six years old. Even I was about 200 years old when I lost my parents. Sniffing the child, I found it was a half-demon wolf pup.

"Go inside the hut, halfling(her word for half-demons)." I growled gruffly, shocking the little half-demon. Then, with a scared squeak, she ran inside to hide.

Grunting in annoyance, I began to dig graves for each one. Laziness was another famous trait of mine.

"Why do I have to do this?" Whining loudly, I could feel the pup's small beady eyes glaring at me.

"Fine, fine, halfling." I gave in to the child's wordless command.

After a few more hours, I buried all the bodies. If I was a human this would've taken a few days considering the large amount of bodies. Unfortunately, it took me longer than necessary because the pup seemed to want gravestones for each one.

Since when did I follow orders from little halflings?

It was getting dark, and the stench of blood was beginning to attract lesser demons. The pup was now in my care. I have enough trouble with the fact that a section of my power is sealed off, and now I have to protect more than myself. If only I could get the seal removed... But of course, Kikyo is dead.

Then again, I heard rumors she rose from the dead and was the walking dead for a while. I also heard that a half-demon and priestess beat Naraku. The priestess' name started with a 'K'... Now what was it... Hmm...

"A-kaa-San(okaa-san=mother, but the pup used part of Akaru's name to make her seem unique)!" The pup whined as she pulled on my long sleeves.

A-kaa-San was the only thing the pup ever said, and it was getting on Akaru's very sensitive nerves.

"Fine, we'll go," I paused after I remembered something, "but first, say goodbye to mom and dad."

With a dejected and sad look, the pup solemnly walked over to the graves. She whispered a few words I couldn't hear, it's probably the side-effects from the sealing of my powers. Her eyes brightened a little as she came back to me, grasping my right sleeve tightly.

Alarms were sent off all over my body as I heard the snap of a branch from above us. Without thinking too much, I relied on my instincts and picked up the pup to run. My footsteps became nearly silent as I matched my breath to the beat of my steps.

Something or someone is following us.


A/N; I loved writing this chapter, but I don't know if it sounded right. Did I come off alright?
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