My Dear Beloved; The Journey

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Chapter Six -
My Dear Beloved;
The Journey

I began to walk away for my first item. The mushroom of death(Shi, which is also the number 4). It was a rather mysterious mushroom, and actually, despite the name, is not deadly. What is deadly are the demons that lie on the mountain trying to get the mushroom for themselves. This mushroom reproduces itself in a different spot on the mountain every time someone or something picks it. When natural disasters occur, the mushroom is never harmed even slightly, which makes many wonder what this mushroom really is.

My family has been said to know many things about this mushroom, however, I have been away from my clan for a long, long time. For example, the last time I saw my closest friend was nearly 100 years ago. This is due to the fact that I was actually kicked out of my clan... but let's talk about that later, shall we?

As I was walking, although in my head it's walking in reality it's pretty much running, I noticed a presence coming close behind me.

Great timing. Just as I'm about to enter the mountain.

"Ah! It's you! Hey feisty grandma!" A familiar voice rang out as he tried to get in step with me.

"Ah. It's you." I imitated with my current emotions, "Koga, you brat, what are you doing here?"

He looked at me closely and dodged my fist as I tried to knock him down, "Oi, where's your pup? Don't tell me you lost her!" Koga laughed jokingly and I glared at him.

"I left my halfling at a safe place so that I can do some dangerous things." Then I considered trying to speed up; hoping he wasn't there for the mushroom as well.

"Great job granny! You got yourself some babysitters!" Koga quickly tried to re-word that after a little coaxing from me(more like a glare), "I-I mean... You're protecting your pup! How courageous!"

I whacked him on the head playfully, "Well maybe you should've realized sooner how wonderful I am!" Slightly sarcastic, but on the inside I knew I was being truthful.

The entire trip was made with small talk. We teamed up and fought a few demons here and there but I was beginning to wonder if the mushroom was even here.

"Ah! There it is!" I exclaimed and began to dash for it, however, something always seems to get in the way... like a rock... and landing flat on my face... in mud... with enemies right ahead of me... that all have weapons.

"Granny!" Koga shouted and dashed over to help me out, "Now don't get your panties in a bunch, I'll help you out here, just don't break your back." Then he winked and ran off towards the demons ahead of us.

Did he realize that I actually don't have more than a tenth of my power? Although, if he did notice, then that means he's really not just a novice at this. He must have been trained by a strong demon or something.

If I were alone, I could handle these lesser demons with no problem, but Koga jumped in so why should I steal his glory?

However, as he went to kill the last demon, I beat him to it and slashed that lesser demon in milliseconds.

"Hey~! No fair granny!"

"Life's not fair, brat." I grunted and kept heading for the mushroom.

No one here... I guess they're all fighting elsewhere.

I picked up the mushroom and ran back to Koga, "This is what I was here for. What about you?"

"Actually, I was just tailing a demon and ran into you, so I abandoned that goal and stayed with you!"

He scratched the back his head and I looked closely at him, "Whatever. Bye, brat." There was no use fighting over it. He definitely was here for the mushroom, though.

Now for the next item! The ashes of Yogori, the greater demon of the North Woods.

But really now, is this concoction even going to taste good? Actually, never mind that, I just want my powers back!

I tucked the mushroom inside my breast bindings and was off again with a grunt and cocky smirk.

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