Something Strange

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AN: Hello! Welcome to my first story. As you can tell this is about Tom Riddle and yes it is a 'love' story in a way. Ive seen a few other fics that had something similar to this idea but I'm taking a different approach. Of course, I only own my oc and her friends/family.

This is just an intro!

0| Something Strange

It was over. After months of effort, Harry Potter has finally defeated Lord Voldemort. Everyone could feel a collective sigh of relief that the darkness would finally come to an end.

Harry stared at what was left of Voldemort, he was nothing but a body now. He almost couldn't believe that after everything he has done and been through, it was all over.

Harry sighed and looked around at who was left. People were busy tending to the injured and taking care of the bodies of those they had lost that day. Too many bodies. This many people shouldn't have died, didn't deserve to die. He wished it wouldn't have had to come to this, but in the end it did and Harry had to accept the fact that he can't change what happened.

Harry wanted nothing more than to go find Ron and Hermione. They all thought he was going to die, with great reason of course, and they would never be the "Golden Trio" anymore. Since what's a trio with only two people?

However, Harry was still very much alive and in need of reuniting with his best friends. Besides he wanted to look and see who else they lost tonight, as morbid as that may sound. They already lost Fred; who more could be gone? Harry repressed a shudder at the mere thought of how many of his friends bravely gave up their lives. He wasn't really sure if he could handle losing anyone else close to him.

He shook his head out of his thoughts, there's no need to go there yet, lest he wants to drive himself mad. No point in getting ahead of himself he supposes..not that he hasn't done that enough in his life.

With one final look at Voldemort's body, Harry finally decided to join everyone else in the great hall to celebrate their victory. Well, not really celebrate per say..but you know what he means. Putting his hands in his pockets, Harry turned and started walking towards the great hall. With Harry's back turned he missed something he should have noticed before. He was so deep in his thoughts he didn't notice that something changed.

If he would have stayed a little longer, he would have seen the sudden light that appeared in the spot he was looking. He wasn't the only one that didn't see it thought. In fact, no one seemed to notice. No one except one girl, who had been previously helping clean up. She was also keeping an eye on Harry in case he needed something or someone more likely. Since she was facing the opposite direction than Harry was now, she was able to see what Harry missed.

She was the only one to see it happen, it meaning something very strange..

Well there we go! Heads up I'm also writing a Snape/OC fic as well since this story and that one have been in my head for who knows how long haha Actually these two will overlap/crossover with each other at some point!

Let me know what you guys thinks!

Ava is in the same year as Ginny
Story takes place during her seventh year
•Harry and Ron will finish their schooling with Hermione (you'll see why)
•Tom WILL seem out of character! Keep in mind though he is in a different world completely out of his element
•Tom isn't incapable of feeling love, he was never given the chance to understand it

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