Lasting Effects

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Hey y'all, I'm back finally! I know I always say I'll try to update faster, but here we are. 2 months has become my average I guess 😐

Listen: Fire Temple by Bobby Krlic

37| lasting effects

The next day started off on a lighter note for the Merin family. Gwen decided they needed a break from the sour moods and drama for a while. So, she finally brought out the rest of the decorations for their Christmas tree. She already had the usual silver ones and tinsel hung on it, but she saved the family ones for when her children were home. It seemed silly to wait until Christmas Eve day to complete the tree. However, it was something they've always done as a way to truly come together. Not to mention they had Tom with them this year.

After the recent events that have taken place since the kids have been home, Gwen figured decorating would be the perfect way to break the ice. Following breakfast she ushered all of the others, minus Carmine who had started preparations for dinner, into the sitting room. Once there she handed each of them some ornaments of their own to hang individually.

"Alright you lot," Gwen started as she turned to face them all, "we are going to do something fun together." She placed her hands on her hips. "Tom and Ariel, this is the first year with us during the holidays. And each year we decorate our tree on Christmas Eve day as a family." She shared a smile with her children, "so welcome to your initiation."

Ava laughed softly at her mother. She glanced sideways at Tom and bumped his shoulder. He held back a smirk knowing what she was getting at, but didn't react outwardly. This would be the perfect way to get his mind off of everything, even for a little while.

"This is going to be interesting," Emmett said with a smirk. He put his arm around Lizzie and pulled her into his side. "Ready kid?"

Lizzie giggled and pushed herself away from him. "I'm going to put mine all up before you."

"Sure you are."

Gwen sighed in exasperation. "It's not a competition you two." She smiled and shook her head when they both gave her innocent looks. "Now let's get started," she said as she clapped her hands together excitedly.

Lizzie was the first to get up and start. Emmett just smiled to himself and gave her a head start. He stood and held out his hand for Ariel before going over to the tree. Ava was smiling at her sister as she dropped one of the ornaments she held. When Emmett nearly pushed the tree over, she stood up to join them. They were helpless sometimes.

Ava stopped once standing and turned to Tom. "Well come on." Tom lifted a brow at her. "My mum expects this all to be on the tree, so you'll have to pitch in."

"I suppose I don't have a choice."

"Nope." Ava smiled when Tom got up. "Even Ariel is helping," she said a little bitterly.

Tom let out a long sigh. "Fine."

Ava lightly shook the ornaments in her arms. "Yay," she said quietly but enthusiastically.

"Let's just get it over with," Tom said with a roll of his eyes.

Ava didn't let the smile slip from her face as she went over to the tree. Emmett and Lizzie were both well into their separate piles of ornaments as she got her first up. As she was stringing the second one, Tom came up next to her and placed one of his on the tree. When he moved away she looked to see that it was one of her favorites. It was one given to her mother when she younger by their grandmother; a small coiled up, sparkly blue occamy. She always loved it as a child because her mother worked closely with magical creatures at one time, and she always had dreams of being like her.

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