An Act of Faith

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Hey y'all! I'm excited for this chapter...for multiple reasons. You guys will understand when you get there 😉

Side note: I have addressed certain issues with comments multiple times now. As a reminder, jokes and constructive criticism are welcome. But anything that comes off as disrespectful to my writing will be removed.

Listen: A Little Wicked by Valerie Broussard

41| an act of faith

It was now midway through February, and the holiday Tom loathed more than anything. Every time he stepped foot into the Great Hall he was assaulted with red hearts all around him. Thankfully he only had to suffer this particular eyesore for one day. Tomorrow the Great Hall would be returned to what it should be. But for now he was stuck with students obsessing over each other and passing love notes. And that would be a challenge in itself.

As much as Tom detested this time of year, there was a particular reason why this time was so aggravating. Ava had expressed deeper feelings for him. He never cared much for girls in the past, especially when they so noticeably coveted him. But this time was different; Ava wasn't just some silly girl, she was his friend. He could finally call her that because she had truly opened his mind up to the idea of friendship. But that's what left him so conflicted following her admission. Could he ever think of her as more than a friend considering how long it took for even that step?

Tom hadn't spoken to Ava one on one since her confession, just as she granted him to do. But he knew he couldn't take too long to come to a conclusion. He wished it was easier for him to process these emotions, if only to delay the building tension. Trying to process all of this is what also contributed to his sour mood that day. The others in their peer group avoided him most of the day, which he was thankful for.

However, being caught as an observer for this detestable holiday assisted Tom in his inner conflict. Understanding parental or colleague relationships were objectively easy. But he was ultimately perplexed by the nature of romantic relationships. He simply could not comprehend how one person could be so utterly devoted to another. It was strange to him, putting aside oneself to take care of this one person who chose them as a companion. Then that word love was thrown around as if it explained everything.

Now that topic really stumped Tom. He always hated how easily people used love as an excuse. It was hard to believe the word still held any meaning considering the empty promises behind its use. The desecration of the words meaning was something he could even discern. Yet no one seemed to notice or care.

That is why Tom could hardly stomach watching students rushing to link up with someone just for that holiday. It was an odd fixation humans had, the need to have a partner for such occasions. If only to avoid criticism from those who were already committed. There was nothing wrong in his mind to avoid acknowledging the day at all. Especially when it truly wasn't all that special to begin with. Although not everyone seemed to agree with that opinion.

Tom was taken out of his musings when something hit his arm. He looked down to see a roll and he slowly brought his gaze up to see who the culprit was. Liam was there, arms crossed casually against the table, with a smirk. "Was that necessary," Tom asked irately.

Liam shrugged, "I asked you a question and you didn't respond."

"So you threw bread at me?"

"Yes," Liam responded proudly.

Tom scowled. "You are a child."

Liam shrugged again. "Well maybe you need to pay attention to what's happening around you."

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