I'm an A ranker

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"Learn how to dodge!" Jin laughed as he again defeated Inukai, Jun, and Tsuji all by himself.

"Not fair! You have nearly 3 years on us!" Inukai whined, giving Jin a playful shove.

You have no idea. Jin thought, but laughed and smiled anyways, loving the little tingling feeling Inukai's hand left on his arm.

"Let's go again! Jin, how can I improve?" Jun inquired excitedly. Jin felt proud about how far the 3 rookies had come, all of them very close to becoming B-rank agents.

"Attack your opponent before they cross your mind, and don't all crowd me from the front. Inukai, since you have a gunner trigger, you should go behind me, and Jun, since you work with scorpion you should attack me from the front." Jin addressed them both. "Tsuji, Inukai tends to be sporadic and shoot in random places, so cover him the best you can, playing more of a defensive roll. All together I think you guys can do it. I'm really tired today because I've been helping the other A-rankers with patrol."

"Youkai!" They all yelled at the same time, and got into battle stance.

"Begin." The robotic voice of the training room spoke. Jun immediately launched at Jin, who just placed a concentrated shield, the thrusted his blade straight through Jun's side.

Improvement. Jin though. I didn't stab through his heart this time.

Before Jin could do anything else, a bullet nearly hit him. He jumped up, sprinting behind Inukai and Tsuji who took a moment to react. Jun followed him, but wasn't careful enough, and got shot several times by Tsuji and Inukai.

"Sorry Jun!" Inukai shouted and Tsuji just sighed. Jin giggled as he caught the unprepared Jum, decapitating him. Jin transformed back out of trion mode and huffed.

"Don't look so beat up, you guys are getting a lot better." Jin complimented as he flawlessly dodged or blocked the bullets flying at him until one of them hit him in the leg. Inukai and Tsuji stopped firing, mouths agape.

"TSUJI DID YOU SEE WHA-" Inukai started, but got interrupted by Jin, who split both him and Tsuji in half.

"Nice job." Jin smirked as the 3 rookies dead panned at him.

"Why couldn't you just let us have our victory?" Inukai whined, then laughed.

"I'm impressed though, I really thought I had moved my foot away fast enough, but you changed your aim." Jin spoke to Inukai. Jin had been unusually careless thinking that he could get away with a half hearted dodge.

"Well at least I hit you!" Inukai looked happier than ever.

"That's enough for today I think, I need to get some food in me." Tsuji rubbed his stomach.

"Okay boys, I figured you'd stop soon, so I made some dumplings and rice." Rindo's voice came over the intercom, and they all looked at each other a little shocked, then laughed as they walked out of the combat room. It was one that had unlimited trion.

"Thanks for all of your help lately." Inukai beamed to Jin.

"No problem, I'd compete in the B-rank wars with you guys but I have something I need to do alone. You guys should be fine together, and I know Tamima will be a great operator." Jin spoke, and Inukai and Jun smiled and nodded at the mention of the girl they had all met a week or two ago. She didn't like the idea of combat, but she wanted to help border. A perfect fit.

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