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I woke up from someone shouting downstairs.

But first let me introduce myself. My name is Starlight Michael.
I'm 13 years old and I live with my aunt and uncle which is the worst thing ever.

My parents died when I was borning. They didn't have to died but it's the law. Oh I forgot to tell you, my mom was a vampire and my dad was a werewolf.

If a werewolf and a vampire have a baby than the parents must leave the child behind or died. They chose death.

But the bad part is I'm a human not a werewolf or a vampire. In Tulsa Oklahoma the socs are the vampire and the greasers are the werewolf. And yes I'm a socs and the only human that lives their.

If anyone find out I was a human than the vampire counsel will kill me and my aunt and uncle. But anyways let's get back where we left off.

I put my pink tank top, blue jean, and my shoes on and went downstairs.

"She's too young to know" yelled aunt Ally.

"She needs to know before its too late" yelled uncle Marcus.

I slowly walk down the steps so they won't here me. All they did is yell at each other everyday

"We're not telling her"

"Marcus, Ally what is going on" I said walking in the room.

"Nothing Star how about you go take a walk" Said aunt Ally.

"But what about the vampires".

"Here but this on and they won't know you're a human".

She gave me a ring that has a green diamond inside it. I walk out the door for the first time.

People stared at me as I walk by. I decided to go to dingo but I accidentally bump into someone.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Its ok. You're not from here are you" the stranger said.

"Actually I am from here my name is Starlight Star for short".

"I'm Jessica. Where were you heading to? Jessica asked.

"To dingo do you won't to come because I have no idea where it is".


We heading off to dingo and I made a friend.


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