~Chapter 1~

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The Raven haired boy sighed as he stared at the clock above the teachers head, his Pencil tapped on the desk as he waited for the Last bell to ring.

He turned his gaze to his desk as a small paper ball skidded to a stop on the wooden table next to his hands, he raised an eyebrow and picked up the tiny white paper ball

Zane glanced back to see his friend, well only friend, Aphmau Smiling brightly at him, making an 'Open it' gesture, he shook his head, pulling at the Black mask on his face as he Opened the crinkled paper

'Do you want to go to the cafe after class? I heard there's a cute new Cashier~'

He smiled slightly and crumbled the tiny peice paper back up. Ever sense Zane came out to Aphmau, she never stopped bothering him and kept trying to hook him up with every cute guy that walked in the door, he turned his head to Aphmau and threw the paper back to his dark haired friend, his eyes glued back onto the slow ticking clock, the teachers blabbing muted as he focused on the time.

-Time skip to end of class-

Zanes head snapped up as the final bell rang, the dark haired boy sighed happily and stood up quickly, Walking into the cramped hallway, his shoulders Rubbed against others as he was pushed and shoved down the corridor.

Zane, being quite small managed to get out quicker than most people and was unfortunately elbowed in the eye on the way to his locker, causing a bruise to form under his Good eye.

He raised his hand to feel the Purple bruise, his fingers grazed a bump and he flinched, Zane huffed "Great" he growled as he slammed his locker shut.

"Hey Zane!!" He turned his head to the side to see an excited Aphmau running up to him, he didn't even notice that the hallway was mostly cleared.

"Hey, aphamu" he sighed and turned to her, she gasped "Oh my Irene, what happened to your eye?!" She squeaked her own eyes widened.

"some idiot elbowed me in the eye" He answered monotonously his bright blue eye dulled as he leaned onto the blue lockers

"Well.... Do you still want to go to the Cafe?" She looked up to him her eyes full of hope as she held onto her books tight.

"Sure, but I'm going for you... Not for the 'cute new cashier' " he mimicked her and rolled his eye, the taller male crossed his arms and shook his head as she Smiled brightly and squealed happily "I think you'll really like him!~" she cooed and kept on blabbering about how he was so cute.

-Anoothher time skip-

Zane trailed behind Aphmau as she pushed open the glass door, the small bell dinged as they stepped into the light green Cafe.

Zane sighed and pulled his mask up as the smells of Coffee filled his nose, The smell of Coffee has always calmed the Raven haired boy. Aphmau smiled and shook Zane's shoulder "That's him!! Over there!" She whispered and pointed her eyes sparkled as she hopped up and down.

Zane followed her finger to the tall white haired male. Zane raised his eyebrows "is that his real hair color?" He whispered a little to loudly, the White haired guy looked up and smirked, revealing his bright green eyes "Yes, it is. So.. What can I do for ya?" He winked as he leaned on the counter, looking at the two who still stood in the door way.

Aphmau Smiled and Walked to the counter her long hair swayed behind her "one Carmel Cappuccino for me, and A hot chocolate with extra whipped cream for him" she answers sweetly, "Alright, coming right up" he smiled and disappeared into the back of the Cafe

Zane stayed stuck at the door, waiting for her, His eye throbbed as he blinked and gazed around the small room.

Aphmau skipped up to zane holding his cup out to him, he gladly accepted the pale green and brown cup, as he held up the cup to take a sip, a small black mark caught his eye, he turned the cup and his eyes widened slightly as he read the neatly sprawled words on the side

'Call me cutie ❤. 501-324-7709. -Travis' ( I made up this number at the top of my head )


Ahhh!! First chapter!! I really hope you enjoy XD this was about 600+ words, probably the most I've EVER wrote.. Heh

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