King Of Hearts #4

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I got sick. It started when I was outside and I got really dizzy and fell over. I was awake but I couldn't move. The guards carried my limp body to the lab and laid me in my bed. I was terrified but the only thing I could do is stare at the stark white ceiling, making me feel like I was blind until something got in my range of view.

Mom came down to me as she had with Sid. She'd talk to me even though I could not reply back.I felt hopeless, only able to blink.

Late one night a couple days into my isolation someone came downstairs. It was so silent the only reason I knew it was there because of the shadow it cast. I thought for sure it was the reaper coming to take me from here. Instead it was the zombie boy. He disappeared for a second behind my bed and I was made to sit up by the bed. I was grateful for the new view. Zombie soon came back into view and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Can you talk?"

I could just barely hear what he said but I knew for sure he was talking because his lips moved. I moved my eyes downward in silence as a no. He nodded as if understanding.

"Alright, so two blinks no three blinks yes." I blinked three times as he said, relieved to have at least one way of communication even if it was with Zombie.

"Im Chester by the way, but most call me Chess."So Zombie had a name, Chess. I liked it. He brought out a connect four board that was in the gameroom and set it up on my lap.

"Just tell me where you want your piece." Chess moved a chip to each hole, waiting for my reaction and dropped it when I blinked three times. Very slowly we played the game, it was kind of fun. If I get out of this I might teach him some card games. Chess won every game which confused me. After about the fifth game he was about to doze off so he put everything away and laid me back down, patting my head before leaving.

"Goodnight, sweet dreams."And he disappeared upstairs.

Chess snuck down every night and we did the same thing. Sometimes Sid would come down and play too. I mostly won against him. Eventually I slowly regained control of my limbs and could move my own piece. After about the third day of me using my hands again Chess brought down a chess set and tried teaching me how to play. It was hard but I eventually got it. This time Sid actually won, even against Chess who was a self proclaimed master of the game. Sid came around more often to play but always won but often said I gave him a run for his money.

"Don't you feel bad for the pawns?" Sid asked one day, studying the board as he took one of my pawns.

"Why would I feel bad for the pawns, they're just made of wood." I said confused.

"You're never really disappointed if you lose your pawns as long as the king survives right?"Sid looked up at me again, his eyes a bit brighter as if he realised something. "The pawns are sacrificed for the betterment of the game, probably the most important piece but are treated like they're expendable."

"Well I guess, Sid why does this matter?"I sighed, frustrated with his thinking.

Sid looked back down, voice going quiet. "Because we're all just pawns in a kings game."  

Pawns in a Kings GameWhere stories live. Discover now