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The day they came looking for me was one like any other. Same basic routine as yesterday but after that everything was different.

I used to never sleep. I stayed up with my mom most of the night and be able to be awake for when the venders were moving in their new produce as soon as the sun was up. As they were getting ready it was so easy to steal a thing or two since they were distracted and tired. Though I did have to watch, I was the only other person around and I didn't have a crowd to blend into as I would have later in the day. I mainly hid under the tables and behind crates completely invisible.

When I was done I started walking home, enough food in my bag. Some man stared at me as if he was trying to figure something out. Had he seen me? I quickened my pace and decided to go the long way home. It was about ten minutes later when I got the feeling like someone was following me. I glanced behind me and for only for a split second I saw the man. The little hairs on the back of my neck rose and I looked for an escape route. He was either a cop or maybe even another person from children protection or worse, one of those men who prowl the city and use little boys. Either way they'd take me from mom.

I shook my head to clear it then started looking around for routes an outsider wouldn't know. In this part of town the buildings are pushed closer together, the one closest to me had only a child-sized gap. I turned sideways and sideled in-between the buildings, hoping there would be an escape on the other end. Us Greys were never known for our luck and sure enough there was a crate twice my size at the end. I let out a loud groan and looked back at the man, blocking the other end.

In his hand he held something bright red: an apple. My mouth watered a bit. Mom loved apples also. What is he trying to do? Lure me out? I just stood staring for a long time then he rolled it towards me and it stopped halfway between us. There's no possible way he could get that far, I thought. I slowly made my way towards it, carefully watching the man who continued to stare at me as if I as a wild animal. I snatched the apple and took a step back towards my corner.

"There's more where that came from. "The man said, startling me some. I glared at him, hoping he would take the hint. He just smirked. "Come on boy, I have a deal for you. "

I went all the way back to my corner and looked up at the crate. Putting the apple in my bag I tossed it on top of the crate. I looked back at the man and attempted to crawl up the wall, pushing my body weight between the two. I eventually made it up and stood on the crate, grabbing my bag. I glanced at the man who was staring at me in awe. I smirked lightly and hopped off the other side of the crate onto the street below. From the other side I heard muffled curses as I walked away.

I rushed home. Our little one room apartment. The windows were broken out and the walls crumbling. I went to my mother's bedside and checked on her. Sweat covered her and her breathing was shallow. I put the rag in the cool bucket of water and put it on her forehead. When the cool rag touched her head her eyes opened, hazel instead of my grey. She used to joke that I had grey eyes since my father's name was Grey. I smiled softly at her and she gave a weak smile in return.

"I grabbed a treat." I held up the apple and she smiled more.

"That's great Chessy." She forced herself to sit up a bit and I put pillows behind her to support her. I then went to our little makeshift kitchen and cut up the apple into slices then walked back to her, holding one out to her. She took it gratefully and nibbled on it. I slowly ate my own. Mom only ate one and insisted I had the rest.

"Chess do you want to go get the game?"Mom smiled and I grinned and got out mismatched chess board and set up all the pieces in her reach. She taught me when I was little what each piece did and how to play,she said I was a natural and it became another reason why she started calling me Chess instead of Chester. We were able to finish a game before mom got tired, she won this time. I helped her lay back down and put the board away. As she slept I curled up next to her though never slept.

The next morning when I got to the market I saw the man again,this time he was talking to some venders. I debated running to the other market across town but by then my window of opportunity would be gone. It was too risky to steal today so mom and I would have to make due with our meager leftovers.I went home and sat in silence until my mother woke up again and we ate a bit and then played a couple games of chess. She looked worried for me knowing I didn't get anything today. Because she was feeling well enough she decided to read to me later in the day.I sat next to her,I was never able to go to school so I learned by what she taught me. Math I got easily but reading and writing is what I struggled with. As she read I looked at the words trying to memorise them. We got a forth of the way before mom got tired and had me put the book back. She fell asleep not to long after and I got the book back out and read over the words,whispering them softly to hear them clearly. I read and reread until it was dark and I had to strain my eyes to see. I put the book back and cuddled up to mom who was sound asleep. I stayed until the very first ray of sunlight was able to be seen and left for market.

The man wasn't there today and the venders were hard at work. I snuck down heading for the baker's stall. A large loaf of bread was right on the edge making my mouth water, I snuck under the bench looking up at it. I slowly reached for it, not wanting to make any sudden movements to alert the baker.

There was suddenly a holler from the vender across the street, clothing I think.Though before I could look the baker had a hand around my wrist.His round bald face was beet red as he glared at me and yelled. The sounds rung in my ears and I couldn't understand a word.I was in disbelief,I was caught.

Suddenly the thundering noise went away as a man put money in the baker's hand and took the bread and me, holding onto my wrist just as tightly as the baker had. I kept looking down as the man led me off. Once we stopped around the corner I finally looked up and my stomach dropped.

It was the man.

"Well seems like I finally got your attention."He gave me a chilling smirk."I have a proposition for you."

In simple terms the proposition was that I came with him somewhere and be taken good care of and in return he would make sure my mother was well taken care of and receive the medicines she needed.I knew there had to be a catch. Like something would have to happen to mom that I wouldn't like.

"What's the catch?"I asked still suspicious. He laughed at my question.

"I'm conducting an experiment of sorts on children's behaviour. And I think a type like you would greatly improve the variety."

I stayed silent as he looked at me.

"And if not I may just give you to the baker or child services."He said in a snide voice.

I glared and looked up at him then nodded.

The next day they took me and got mom out of the house. She was confused and crying. They then took me away into a car.I turned in my seat to watch what I was leaving behind.

Mom will be taken care of. Mom will be safe. Mom will get better. I will see Mom again.

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