King Of Hearts #2

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For a while it was only Sid and me. We kinda had fun running around the mansion, we were fed well and had a bunch of toys it seemed like paradise. His mom loved us both and made sure we were ok. Though lab days were torture.

I soon realized the reason why Sid covered himself up all the time. He had marks all over him all from testing. Most were accidental since this was the first time the whitecoats ever did testing and didn't know which method would result in a success. I was much luckier since they figured it out not too long before I came here.

Every Saturday we had to go down to the basement. It was always eerily white with lab equipment and hospital beds. They then strapped us to the beds. The first time I wildly thrashed around, panicked. I didn't want this, I just wanted the upstairs life. They injected me with something that made me calm though my mind was racing. I glanced over at Sid and he was sitting there calmly, he didn't look like he was injected, just broken. The calmness slowly overtook me and everything went black.

I woke up later in the day in my bed, my covers carefully tucked over me as if mom came in and did it herself. I could almost feel the lingering kiss on my forehead. I slowly sat up, my body ached. I looked down at my arms, they were bandaged around the elbows and burned like acid when I moved. I stifled a yelp like sob. I slowly stood, a bit wobbly. I didn't know what to do if I fell over at the time, I wouldn't be able to push myself back up.

I just walked, not knowing where I was until I looked up. Sid's room. He was on the floor, back leaning against his bed, book in his lap.

I didn't know what came over me but right at that moment I despised him more than anything. My heart burned in betrayal. I walked over and he looked up at me with those sad violet eyes. I glared at him with as much hatred as I could. HE could have warned me. HE could have told the caretakers and saved us both. But he didn't.

Before I knew it I was kicking him. He instinctively curled into a ball. I kept kicking, aiming for his head and his own bandaged arms knowing that would hurt more than anything. There was a loud noise like yelling. I couldn't make out the words but it surely was loud. They only stopped when Billiard pulled me back. I looked at Sid, blood was coming from somewhere and he was crying. I was dragged to my room to cool down.

The whitecoats thought some of the chemicals they used must have reacted with my brain to make my anger levels shoot up. I don't think so, it seemed like a genuinely hated him.

After that I never really saw Sid like I used to. There was no longer the sound of feet scampering around the halls chasing each other. He always stayed away from me, a more broken look in his eyes.

About a week after the incident Sid got really sick. They kept him down in the labs just in case. Mom was dreadfully worried and often snuck down to him. I never went to see him and avoided his bed when I had to go down. After a couple days I begun to feel guilty.

Sid got out but the whitecoats payed special attention to him and he occasionally went outside by himself with them. I rarely saw him after that, he was always being escorted by guards to and from the yard and the lab. He seemed weak and tired, slouching and dragging his feet. Broken.  

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