Chapter 21

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*Linda James
*45 years old

Yes, I am Sage mother. I know for this past year I have been a terrible mother. The coke took over and made me a bad person

But I'm not that person anymore. I've been clean for six months. One day I was walking in downtown Chicago, my first love, Levi stopped me

Levi took me to LA and got me better. Every since then I haven't had the desire to snort coke.

I met Levi when I was sixteen and pregnant. My family didn't give two shits about me. For two years he took care of me and my daughter, Tonya

When I met Sam, Sage father, Everything change so that's why I put Tonya up for adoption.

Everything was going good, it was like a damn fairytale but when I told Sam I was pregnant everything went downhill.

He thought I cheated on him. It went from verbal abuse to physical abuse. When Sage was born I did my best to protect her. In my opinion I always thought there was something wrong with Sam's son, Austin

I crawled over to Levi. I sat up rubbing his shoulders while he watched t.v "Good morning my love" He said turning around kissing my lips.

I smiled "Good morning" I said. When I seen Sage at Koral my heart melted. She blossomed into a beautiful young lady. Levi just don't know that Sage is my daughter

"So when is King and his beautiful lady coming over?" I asked " Saturday at Koral hopefully that's when King sign the deal" I watch Levi get up and get dress

"Where you going honey?" I asked "Gotta handle business with Jason" I got up putting my robe on. I went downstairs making Levi his regular cup of morning coffee

"Hey Auntie" Jason said hugging me. I put down the cup hugging him back. I felt my eyes water when I seen Tonya walked in the kitchen. I just want us to have a mother and daughter relationship but she doesn't even know who I am

She just think I'm her boyfriend uncle girlfriend. I am that but I'm also her mother. "Hey Ms. Linda" she said. A smile appeared on my face "Hey Tonya" I said

I kissed Levi lips then I handed him his cup of coffee "Thank you" He said. "No problem" I said fixing his tie

 "No problem" I said fixing his tie

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*Hezekiah Bazemore
* 21 years old

I pulled the covers off sitting up letting my feet touch the carpet. I sighed answering my phone "Yes ma" I said

"I've been trying to get a hold of you, Hezekiah King Bazemore" My mother yelled into the phone "I kno...." I got up walking into the bathroom

She sighed "I don't think you should take that deal with Levi" She said. "Why?" I asked reliving myself in the toilet

"I just have somethings to tell you" She said. I put my meat back in my boxers flushing the toilet. "Ma I call you back" I turned off the sink, ending the phone call

I looked in the peep hole seeing Mark. I opened the door letting him in. I walked in the room putting my jeans back on

"So what's up with you?" Mark ask taking a seat on the couch. I ran my hand down my face "Things can be better" I said

I regret cheating on Sage. I lost my best friend, my lover , my everything. I haven't talked to her, she won't return none of my calls or text but I know I deserve this

"Her and Court going out to Greystone Manor" He said "When?" I asked "They should be there now"

I put my shirt and shoes on. I grabbed my keys to the car "This Damn traffic" I said

I pulled into the parking lot. I walked through the club looking for Sage. I instantly became mad when I seen her grinding on a nigga as he fingered her

I grabbed her arm pulling her out the club. What the fuck" Sage said realizing it was me. She pulled down her dress. "You can't answer my calls but you have time to be a hoe" I yelled at her

"I'm the hoe? But you the one fucking another bitch. Get the fuck out my face" Sage said trying to brush past me to get back in the club but I grabbed her arm

"I know I fucked up" I said. "I know I fucked up" She said mimicking me "I don't have time for this bull shit" Sage yelled at me

I stood in front of her so she couldn't move. "I'm sorry" I said wrapping my arms around her. Sage punched me in my chest "You hurt me King" Sage cried out as she continue to punch me in the chest

"I'm sorry Sage" I said grabbing her hands. "Everything okay?" I looked seeing some random nigga

"Yeah" Sage said wiping her tears. "Let's go" I said. She picked up her purse off of the ground

"No" Sage said turning around walking to the guy. I stood there watching the girl of my dreams walk away with some random nigga

I got in the car driving to the nearest bar. I took a seat at the bar "Keep them coming" I told the bar tender.

I stumble out the bar to my car. I gripped my steering wheel as I drove to Tonya crib. I parked my car, taking the keys out. I caught myself from falling up the stairs.

I banged on the door till Tonya answer. She smiled when she saw it was me "I knew you couldn't stay away for long"

I kissed her lips walking into her apartment. I closed the door with my foot as Tonya took off my shirt. I tossed Tonya on her bed flipping her over, so she was on all fours.

I ripped her panties off shoving my dick in her. I wrapped her hair around my hand as I sped up, invading her walls

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