Chapter 28: Hezekiah

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Six Weeks Later

*Hezekiah Bazemore
*22 years old

I was tied up on the bed waiting for Sage to enter the room. I heard her heels hitting the ground letting me know she was getting closer

"Damn" I said admiring Sage figure. She did a twirl showing off her lingerie. She crawled on top of me. She kissed my hard on through my boxers, which drove me crazy

She sat on me putting her cat in my face "Whose pussy is this?" She asked playing with herself "Mine" I said looking in her eyes that are filled with lust.

I tried moving my hand but Sage kinky ass got me tied up "Baby untie me" I said. She ignored me as she pulled down my boxers letting my erection sprung out. "S-sage" I grunted as she put all of me in her mouth

She got up getting off the bed walking out the room. Seconds later she came back with another girl and some whip cream


"I thought you said we was never going to have a threesome" I said to Sage. She ran her fingers through my beard "It's your birthday, so I thought I could do something spontaneous"

My baby is definitely a freak. I gripped her ass pulling her closer. She kissed on my neck getting me aroused a little. Sage rolled over getting on top.

She leaned down placing her forehead on mine "I love you" She said before kissing my lips. I rubbed her clit "I love you more" I then begin to suck on her titties.

"Fuck me King" She moaned out. I flipped us over so I was in between her legs. She gasped as I slowly eased my thickness in her. Her nails dug in my back as my pace slowly start to pick up

The room filled with Sage moans, the sound of our skin slapping together and the head board hitting the wall over and over

I smiled as I rolled over seeing Sage still knocked out. I gave her that good dick, I be laying it down. I moved her hair out the way kissing her cheek.

I slipped on my boxers and grabbing my ringing phone off the nightstand "Hello" I said into the phone as I walked onto the balcony

"King why are you ignoring me?" I sighed hearing Tonya voice. I put my head in my hand "Stop blowing up my phone. I'm back in Chicago enjoying my life with my beautiful girlfriend"

"You putting her before our baby" Tonya said "How do I know that's my baby" I asked leaning against the rail watching Sage sleep "Because you was the only nigga I was fucking" She snapped

"Bullshit!" I raised my voice a little. "Matter fact don't hit me up until the baby is born then I can get a DNA test" I ended the call not wanting to hear that bitch voice anymore

I walked inside placing my phone on the charger. I walked downstairs to my man cave grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniel's

I took a seat on the couch kicking my feet up as I turned on the t.v on. I took a long and hard sip knowing I could possibly be fucking up things between Sage and I.

I don't know what I would do if I lost Sage for good. She keep me sane, keep my head right. I fucking love her. I swear ima put a rock on her finger

"Baby?" Sage voice snap me out my thoughts. I turned my head around seeing her wrapped in a cover. She walked over to me sitting on my lap. She grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniel's out my hand and took a sip

"What's wrong?" She asked placing her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead "Nothing. I just couldn't sleep" I lied. I placed my hand on her lower back as we got comfortable on the couch.

I heard light snores letting me know Sage was asleep once again. I screwed the cap on the bottle before I placed it down next to me. Sage snuggle up against my chest as I spread the cover on us

I woke up to Sage fully dress standing in my face with a yellow gift bag in my hand. "What's up" I said as I stretched sitting up. She smiled as she took a seat on the coffe table in front of my face

"One more gift" She said. I nodded my head "Well this gift is everlasting" Sage said briefly looking into the bag

I reached in the bag pulling out sonogram. "You pregnant?" I asked. She smiled as she nodded her head. A big smile appeared on my face "Oh shit, ima be a father"

I pecked Sage lips over and over. "I love you" I said looking into her eyes. She sat on my lap as we looked through the pictures "My baby already have your block ass head" I said causing Sage to mean mug me

I laughed a little "I'm just playing baby" I said placing wet kisses all over her face

Do you think Hezekiah is the father of Tonya's baby?

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