Chapter 30: Tonya

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Eight Months Later

*Tonya James
* 23 years old

I picked up my phone calling King for the hundredth time. I sighed as it went straight to voicemail.

"King why are you ignoring me. I could have our child at any moment but you so focus on that bitch. Stop worrying about her and worry about me and your child" I ended the call tossing my phone next to me on the couch

King and I are meant to be together but that bitch has him blind sided. I don't care if that's my sister. What's mine is mine

Everything is going to change when I give birth to his baby girl. I'm going to make sure that lil bitch going to find out. Then she going to put King out and he going to come back home to be with his family

I fixed myself as I heard the front door close signaling that my mother is finally off of work. "Tonya" She said as she walked up the stairs

"Yes ma" I said. She walked into the room "You heard from your sister?" She asked. "No. I called her but she haven't returned any of my calls" I lied. She sighed putting her hand on her hips

"Mom don't stress yourself over this. Obviously she think she's better than us" I said comforting my mother. We talked for about ten minutes till she went to go take a shower

I screamed out as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach "You okay?" My mother asked running into my room. Liquids rushed down my leg onto the floor "It's time" I said gripping the sheets as another contraction came

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" I said. My mother came back into the room helping me. I slid on my slides then I grabbed my phone. I gripped my mama hand as she helped me down the stairs

I text King over and over till he texted back. I haven't told my mama that King is the father. She is going to claim that I'm jealous of my sister instead I need to be happy for them. Like I said before Fuck that bitch Sage

The nurse wheeled me into the room. I changed into the gown and laid down waiting for the doctor. My phone went off letting me know that I have a text. I quickly picked up phone seeing King finally text me back

King💍❤🔐: I'll be there Friday

Me: That's two days away. I need you now

I put my phone away as the doctor enter the room. He shook my mother hand before he took a seat in front of me "Right now I'm going to check to see how far dilated you are" I nodded my head laying down

"Well good news you are dilated five centimeters so you can get epidural"

"Breath breath" My mother said "Push push push" The doctor said. I sat up and began pushing "1, 2, 3" The nurse's said

"She's crowning" The doctor said. I laid back out of breath. I sat up and began pushing once again. Minutes later the room filled with cries

I laid back as tears ran down my face. The doctor placed her on my stomach as my mother cut the cord. "Where is she going?" I asked

"They just going to clean her off" She said

"Well you have a healthy baby girl" The nurse said placing my baby in my arms. I gently placed a kissed on her forehead looking down at her

 I gently placed a kissed on her forehead looking down at her

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I smiled as she tried to open her eyes. I handed Diamond to my mother so I can get some rest

As expected Diamond is not King child. I can tell but he not going to find out. I already know what I got to do to keep this secret safe

Two Days Later

I held Diamond in my arms proudly as I enter the DNA testing area of the hospital. A smiled appeared on my face as I saw King sitting down on his phone

"Hey King" I said "Sup" He said dryly as he continue to look down at his phone. I took a seat next to him so he could hold Diamond but he decline the offer

"I don't know why we doing this, she look just like you" I said. He ignored my comment

"Hezekiah Bazemore and Diamond James" The nurse said. We both got up following the nurse back into into the room

I watch the nurse as she gently swab the stick on the inside of Diamond's mouth  "Big girl" The nurse said handing me back Diamond

King sat on the other side of the room "When are we going to get the results back?" He asked "Two days tops" She said

He pulled out a stack of money "This two g's. I want the results in the next 45 minutes" He demanded. The nurse stood there for a second before she accepted the money "Yes sir" She quickly walked out the room

I pulled out a bottle feeding Diamond. She wasn't playing no games. I smiled at my greedy baby. I placed her bottle back in her bag so I can burp her

I placed a towel over my shoulder then I softly patted her back till she burp

I put my phone away as the doctor enter the room. King got up walking over to us. "Hezekiah Bazemore you are 100% the father of Diamond James"

I smirked a little. Just as I expected

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