Bad Companion~ Part 14

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Austin was expecting me. I wasn't happy with his intentions for Alyx, but if it meant me getting her back I was all for it. It was exactly 3:00 PM the time when I would get to see the criminal who hurt Alyx. My feelings for him were simple. He was not worth her time. He wanted nothing but to hurt her. I remember her blue eyes, they sparkled brightly. I remember the way her freckles would dance across her face in the summer. She was my everything. I will stop at nothing to get her back. I was starting to get inpatient. The stoplight was the worst part of my day. It held the same length, a slight two minute wait. Long enough to make me want to curse some flavorful words.


I yelled at myself. I can't get too ahead of myself. As much as I miss her I'm going to have to wait. She will come around I know she will.

Austin was taking a short stay at the county jail. He had gotten his sentence. Just as long as I get him out before they lock him up. That's why I was going. He needed to discuss his plans with me.

I had finally driven for over two hours when a police officer stopped me at the gates of the jail. His name was Cory at least that's what his scuffed up badge said. Cory looked rough. I guess I would start getting that way too after 20 years of jail duty.

"Hello Sir my name is Officer Cory and I will be checking you in today. Can I see your I.D and driver's licence please?"

"Here you go Officer"

"No Keys or metal objects are allowed inside the jail. I will take your car and park it. I'll ask you not to touch any of the men here. Let's see? you're above the age of 18 so you are permitted to enter"

"Yes thank you Sir', I need to know where I will be going? I'm supposed to be talking to Austin Caves, Can you direct me to the private conversation area?"

"When you first enter these gates you will go through the large rotating doors at the end of the building so you don't have to walk as far. Then when you enter the building you'll take a left at the end of the hallway. There should be a couple of doors that are have names for who is conferencing in them. Just simply knock on the door and someone will let you inside."

"Thank you"

" Have a good day Sir."

The man was kind. It didn't match his appearance though. The beaten down rusty gates squealed as they slid open on the track. Two other officers stepped quickly to the side and let me walk in after a quick I.D check. I guess this place was more than just an ordinary jail. It looked nothing like the movies. It held fourteen painted over windows with bars. It looked abandoned clearly it was not well kept. I kept my head up and walked briskly to the doors at the end of the building. I was begining to get chilly from the indecent temperatures outside. Two more officer stood at the end of the building. This time they asked for my thumbprint I held my hand out and the officer cleared me to go inside after doing a swift background check. It had nothing special. A speeding ticket from when I was 16 and a couple of Avila university degrees. The guards were not the hard part it was following the route the officer had directed me to take. It was planning out to be harder than I Imagined. I made four wrong turns and each of them took me to the same exact place where I had began. Then I saw the room. The room labeled conference was small. I would be able to discuss the plans with Austin inside the jail without anyone hearing. It was perfect. I guess that Austin used an excuse saying that it was his lawyer or something. It still worked. I knocked on the door. A smiling lady with blonde hair appeared. She let me inside the door. The conference room held six leather chairs and a solid oak round table. So far the room labeled Oak room held up to its title. It will be a hell of a location for the talk Austin was about to give me.

" Let me go grab your customer. It will take a few minutes"

My customer? What does she mean? I don't have a customer?

Wait he did say that i'm supposed to act like his lawyer. I hope they don't see through this "act". I spilled coffee on my white shirt this morning. She said the wait would take only a few minutes. It gives me time to think about how much I hate him. How much I really do hate that guy. He used her. He touched her. He hugged her. That was my job. It was my only job. To take care of Alyx and I failed. That's exactly why I have to get her back. That's the only reason why I'm here. To get my Alyx back.

Fifteen minutes had passed and I had cussed a few words at the wall.

"what the hell are you doing here Austin?"


The voices were running rampant in my mind. I couldn't control them. Then he was there. Right around the corner. Right as I was about to leave the door unlatched and I knew I couldn't leave this unforgiving nightmare.

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