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Chandlers pov

As soon as I walk through the door and get it closed my dad pushes me into the wall and punches, kicks, and knees me everywhere possible. Then my brother picks me up by my hair and does the same and by the time there done i can't feel anything and all I can see is black forming in my eyes then it's all dark.

I woke up I'm guessing in the middle of the night because the house is completely dark, so I get up using the wall for support i couldn't help but let the tears fall from my eyes because of how much pain i am in. They have never been this bad i can barely think strait from all the pain. Once I got in my room i went to the bathroom and I knew no amount of makeup will cover this it won't I'll have to come up with a good excuse because there is no way the cast and crew will take this light. I looked at the clock and see its 6a.m so I run and get in the shower because I have to be at set in thirty minutes.

Once I get there I put my hood over my head and go walk around we won't start shooting for about two hours today since they'll be editing. The reason I'm walking around well you would know that so I have time to make a excuse up. I walked and walked until I heard my phone ringing in looked and saw it was Andrew calling

Hello, i answered

Hey where are you your car is here but you're not?

Oh yeah I was just walking I'll be there in a few, i said and hung up great less time to think

Andrews pov

We have all been noticing chandler acting strange around us lately and him not even coming to eat was what made us realize something is up with him. When he was little but as he grew up he got more distant, didn't talk as much, and now it's to the point where we thought he went mute.

Have yall noticed Chandlers behavior recently, i asked

Yeah he's not himself should we ask him, steavan said

I'll talk to him while he's changing, Norman said

We saw chandler walk up head down, and listening to music.

Hey guys I'm gonna go change, he said walking off Norman made sure that he was gone before he got up and left

Chandlers pov

I had just got done taking my shirt off when someone came in but my shirt was on the other side of the room, i tried to get it but someone turned me around before I could

What the hell? Who did this to you, Norman asked

W-w-what are y-yo-you ta-t-talking a-a-about, i said trying to act clueless then he pointed to my chest and face.

Who did this, he said tightening his grip around my arm CHANDLER WHO DID THIS TO YOU TELL ME KNOW OR SO HELP ME GOD!!!! He yelled making me try to get out of his grip. Okay fine want to be that way? Andrew get in here you need to see this, he yelled. Then Andrew came in the room looking confused the norman grabbed me and pushed me in front so Andrew had a clear sight of my brusised body.

Chandler what the hell happened to you? Andrew asked sounding concerned

N-n-nothing, i replied trying not to cry

Chandler who did this we need to know so we can tell your parents, and with that i started freaking out i backed up into the wall while hyperventilating and pulled your knees to my chest


You're parents did this to you didn't they? They both asked at the same time

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