Sherlock-ette: Elementary (Chapter 3)

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"Can you describe your relationship with the victim?" said the policeman, I mean cop, glaring down at me. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I'm a little bit short, so if I say someone is glaring at me, which they seem to do a lot for some reason. assume they're glaring down, okay?

"Well, I didn't know her that well. I mean we weren't friends, and I sometimes I got the feeling she didn't like me that much, you know?" I answered the cop, wondering if he ever actual bothered brushing his hair or if he just loaded grease in to it each morning.

"And you didn't see her before the attack?"

"No," I said truthfully.

"So... why are you here?" asked the cop, after a moments hesiation.

Good question, I thought, Why am I here? Because I didn't really like Britany Williams, she was, to be blunt, a total slut. If I tried to count the number of guys she'd made out with in the past month on my hands, I'd run out of fingers without much trouble. Infact, Britany Williams didn't really like me much either; she was one of Amaryliss's groupies and the requirements to be one of these are: wear extensive make up, shout every word you say, find everything offensive, hate Macy J Sherlock.

However, slut or no slut, she was only nineteen and she didn't deserve to die. Especially not like that.

They'd found Britany Williams' body face down in the streets, just off campus. There were marks on her throat and arms, bruises on her face, a knife in her back and a wierd sign hacked in to the back of her neck.

No, they didn't just tell everybody that, but while I was waiting for my good friend Mr. Grease-Hair, I'd kind of over heard a couple of the cops talking about it... while my ear was accidently against the key hole of the locked door they were behind.

"Because I want to help solve Britany's murder", I said finally.

Instead of looking inspired, interested or even slightly surprised that a nineteen year old girl who probably had things like exams and work to think about had offered to help him with his investigation, Mr. Grease-Hair just looked annoyed.

"Look kid", he snapped, leaning closer to me. I recoiled a bit, he reeked of coffee. "I don't know how you do things in England, but i don't have time for little punks getting in the way. So just get lost will you?"

Well, I wasn't just going to take that. I was just about to tell that prick exactly how we do things in England (I've known the protocol since I was four) when Olivia apeared at my side with two hot chocolates.

"Don't mind her officer, she's just a bit freaked out", she said quickly, then grabbed my arm and steered me away. I was about to argue but she shoved a hot chocolate in to my hands before I could open my mouth.

"Don't annoy the cops, Mace, they don't like that", Olivia warned.

"But he was being an idiot", I protested, wiping the cream mustache from my lip. "Where's Eric?"

"He said he'll be at the dorm when we get back".

"Our dorm?"

"No, the monkey's."

I sighed. "Sorry, I'm just a bit disorientated I guess."

Olivia grabbed my hand and pulled me to a chair. "Don't worry, the cop's will figure it out."

I smiled and reached in to my bag, pulling out her birthday present. With all the drunkness and, oh yeah, the crime, I hadn't had the chance to give it to her. "I have something for you".

"You brought it here?"

"It was in my bag, I didn't realise I had it until we got here". I handed her a small box.

She opened it and grinned. "Awesome!" Inside the box was a Alright Attack's new CD (one of her most obscure bands) and a slip of paper. "Hey, what's this?", she asked then her eyes widened. "Macy you didn't!"

I grinned, "I really did."

Then Olivia started jumping up and down squealing until the security guard kicked us out of the station. In her hand she held an adress for a recording studio a few miles away, all expenses paid, that had two hours reserved for Sadistic Fixation.

 I know a guy.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" she cried, jumping up and down while hugging me. "I can't wait to tell the guys!" The guys, ofcourse, were her band mates.

I was glad Olivia liked her present, but in my mind I was still thinking detective thoughts.

Who had I seen arguing with Britany just before her death? Who had wanted to get back at her? Who had a reputation for holding a grudge? Who had the cash to hire a gun? Who was generally an unpleasant person?


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