Sleeping Beauty

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As Sleeping Beauty slept in her tower, may people began to wonder if she would every wake up. As the years went by people began to beleive there was no one in the tower and it was just a story made by the king. Soon every one had fogotten about the princess in the tower...everyone apart from the animals that is. The old owl who had once been the best of friends with the princess now sat allown in his tree wearing the old shreaded cape he had once qore when he had danced with he song maiden. One day he desided to fly up to the princessess tower only to find her body, unmoving and her eyes were shut. At the sound of his wings the young princess awoke but couldnot see who was there. The owl hooted with joy and from hen on helped the young maiden back to the forest where people said she was he ghost of the princess who had died inthe tower allowen. People say that she is still there till tjis day, walking with the owl she had once danced with once upon a dream...

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