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9am. I looked to the clock to check the time. There was already a huge crowd of people waiting for 5SOS. The van dropped us almost inside the venue. My brother had come pick us up, well his driver. The rest of his band was also with us.

"So on a scale from 1 to 10, how excited are you for today?" JC asked opening a door that lead us to a big corridor. A bunch of doors lead to other rooms. The dressing rooms, I guessed. And I was right, on the top of one of the doors I could read 'Hey Violet!'.

"Hey!" I look inside and there's Casey smiling and coming towards us. I need to stay calm.

"What's up mate?" My brother asked making the most weird handshake ever. "This is my sister, Maddie and her friend Lara." At that moment I was in panic. Shit!

"Oh this is the one, nice to meet you." Casey said hugging me and then Lara. "I guess I'll see you around." He was the sweetest person alive.

We walked a bit more and got in to a room. Their dressing room. I recognised some of the stuff as being from my brother and even some stuff from the other boys. We left our bags there and Kiko gave us our credentials so we would walk around freely. I could read the word STAFF and our names in the bottom. I looked around and Lara wasn't there. Typical.

"So we're going to write with Michael and Ashton, you wanna come?" JC asked. Well, it's not like I had something better to do since Lara left me here by myself. Plus, I would meet them so that would be great.

"You're sure that's okay?" I didn't want to disturb them, I would just get my books and study for my exams.

"Don't be stupid, it's fine." My brother said giving me his hand. "You can even help us, you're a great writer."

I grabbed my bag and followed them. After a few minutes we got to a new dressing room. '5sos' said the label on the door. I was freaking out. My brother knocked and I heard Ashton scream for us to come in. This is how things were: Ashton sitting on the couch with a guitar on his lap; Michael laying on the ground playing some Naruto game on the Xbox. They automatically stopped what they were doing and greeted us.

"Is this your sister?" Ashton asked pointing at me. "I kinda remember her from our first show."

"I'm Maddie." I told them, hugging first Ashton and then Michael. "I hope you don't bother having me here."

"It's fine." Michael said. "I heard your family is very musical talented." I smiled but I wasn't going to help them. I really needed to study.

Ashton grabbed a small notebook and sat back on the couch. Michael sat next to him and the rest of us sat on the couch across from them. I was in the corner in front of Michael.

"So I came up with this beat last night that I think is cool." JC picked some drumsticks from the small table next to him and started to hit on the ground. Ashton smiled dancing along to the beat.

"Cool." Michael commented. " But that looks sad, we need to write something sad for that."

I tried to study but it was getting a bit hard. Their lyrics were getting a bit basic and I couldn't stop giving my opinion. Obviously I wasn't talking, it was all in my head.

"I'm anything but perfect but I swear I try my best." Michael sang. I turned to him and left slip the most dreadful facial expression. That was terrible. Stop the clichés please!

Michael looked at me, "What?"

I was a bit embarrassed but that didn't stop me from saying what I thought. "You're ruining their songs." At least ruining their lyrics because the beat was good but the lyrics. Oh god!

Michael looked at me confused and a bit offended.

"Sorry, I'm sure she didn't mean it." Kiko apologized. I looked at him and he gave me a look like he wanted to kill me.

I looked back at Michael, "oh, I meant it." I looked at my brother again, " I told you I shouldn't have come." I whispered. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep quite, that's why I shouldn't have come.

"Do you have any better suggestions?" Michael asked in a provoking tone.

Of course I did, anything was better than that miserable verse. "I don't, I shouldn't have said anything." I lowered my head and kept reading my book. When I looked back up, Michael was still looking at me. Stupid Michael, he was the one starting this.
I took a pen out of my bag and start writing what came to my mind.

It was almost time for 5SOS soundcheck. Me and Lara were sitting on the ground on the back of the soundcheck pit. A few girls were starting to get in. We guessed the doors for soundcheck were already open. We didn't want to take the opportunity of other fans of being front row so we decided to watch the show in the back. It was still pretty close since it was the VIP pit. Besides that, we had already meet them.

"What's up guys?" Calum screamed walking on stage followed by the rest of the boys.

I was back on the couch in Lara's apartment. The show had been amazing, absolutely incredible. Tomorrow we would be with them again and I was so ready for a second round of the show. I fell asleep thinking of Michael.

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