Changing directions.

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   The wind blows through the trees of my now bustling camp outside the walls of Jinx's kingdom. We have hundreds of people ready to leave but all these people didn't dent the population of other tribes at all. We realize that with a big group, more work. "Tris! We have the materials from Jinx." A young Arenian male rushes up and smiles, giving me the small package. I nod and place one hand on his head. "Thank you young one." I whisper so only he can hear. He smiles and bows, walking away.                                                      The soft breeze begins to pickup, indicating a storm. With a large sigh, I look down at my feet, trying to hide the pain on my face. The tent slowly opens and I look up to see a beaten down, bloodied Jason. "Jason! Good god what happened!?" I run over to him, unable to fight the sudden urge to comfort him. He whispers something and reaches out. His body then falls to the ground, going limp. My eyes widen as I take his body into my arms. His soft hair brushes in the wind as his eyes flicker closed. "Jason? Jason!?" I shake his body, trying to get him to wake up. I look around quickly. The tribe doctor...
        I run outside with Jason in my arms. He's heavy to carry but I have to try. I let out a large yell and cry out for help. A couple of Arenian rush out and pick him up quickly. I rush over to the small cave inside the field. A old Kireian woman walks out, her long staff shaking at us. "Dark forces are upon us! We must run and hide!" she yells, grabbing Jason. I try to take him back and my eyes widen, staring at him. "Hes sick. We have to save him!" I yell, tears falling down my face. The Kireian woman turns and stares. "Then you watch over him." She says, he voice filled with a sense of fear.

     As I watch him, minutes turn to hours. Hours turn to days. Days turn to weeks then months and finally years had passed. His breathes are weak and his pulse has softened. He has been like this for years... Motionless. My eyes filled with tears every single day when I see him. I haven't left the small cave and my dreams are only an hour long. I feel if I stay asleep longer, he won't be alive when I wake up. I have nightmares of him being eaten by something from the inside.  The cold days have turned into warm summers then back around. It has been the same way forever. The people who were supposed to come with to the promised new lands were now with their old tribes. The nights were long and the days were short. Nothing made me worry more than him being asleep forever. Maybe even dead. The tears have dried up and there is no room for any more. Maybe he won't ever wake up.

       Its been a decade. I'm 25 years old and people have forgotten about me. No one talks to me because I give them one word answers. "Hey... how've you been, Tris?" "Fine." "Anything new with Jason?" "No." "you think he'll ever wake up..." I stop and look up, staring at Justin with his elbow leaning on my shoulder. "Well, Do you?" he asks, looking down at me. A cold feeling fills my heart and I shrug. "Not really..." I stare right back at Jason. The thought of me, wasting away all of these years just to find out that he'll never survive. It wouldn't be unrealistic to be honest. A dark feeling fill me heart and I realize, How is he even still alive? "I just hope he doesn't die out like..." Justin pauses and looks down, he eyes wide open. "Tris I'm-" "Just shut up, will ya..." Tears begin to form but I wipe them away before anyone else can even notice why I'm crying.  Justin picks me up and begins to carry me outside. I scream loudly, flailing in his arms. "Put me the hell down!" I yell, tears filling my eyes again. I turn to look at Jason, who is in the same position he has been in for years. "Hes gone, Tris!" Justin yells, looking me straight in the eyes. "Hes dead and there was nothing you could have done!" I watch as his eyes fill with tears.

       I've sat in this cave for 12 years now, staring at this motionless heap of bare flesh. I force down food and water every day even though I don't want to move anymore. I've even become just a skeleton, being able to see my ribs stick out of my shirt. I stare down, looking directly at Jason's face. I lean over and kiss his forehead. Then, His eyes open.

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