The Lucky Call [Black Veil Brides fan fic]

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[a/n] Okay guys this is my first fan fic so be nice please. Let me know what you think in the comments and vote :)


“GET THE FUCK UP TYLER!” My dad yelled as he grabbed my ankles and pulled me out of bed and made me fall face down on the ground of my bedroom. “What the hell dad?!” I yelled wide awake now. “Just wanted to see if you were awake yet” he said while smirking. “WELL I AM NOW! What time is it anyway?” I asked while standing up. “4 a.m.” What the absolute fuck. I hate it when he does this. I don’t have to be up for my last day of my senior year of high school until 6. he does this a lot, pulls me out of bed at random times of the night to see if ‘I’m awake’ but he doesn’t do it every night. He does it at random that way I never know when, sometimes he’ll go weeks with out just to throw me off. “Gee thanks.”  I murmured as I went to lay back in my bed to sleep. My dad finds this kind of shit funny. I just can’t wait until I find somewhere else to live, you see today just happens to be my 18th birthday. What am I doing for my birthday? Well I wanted to go to my favorite band Black Veil Brides concert but my dad waited till they were sold out to finally give in to letting me go. Oh well I guess I’ll have to wait until they come back to my town. If that ever happens. I put my ipod on my bvb playlist and slowly drift off to sleep.


I’m walking around in a dark room. I don’t know where I am, I look straight ahead I’m scared shitless, but why? There’s no one with me im all alone. I hear screaming, someone’s hurt. I have to help them “HELLO? IS ANYONE OUT THERE? ARE YOU OKAY? DO YOU NEED HELP? PLEASE SPEAK TO ME.” I yell as loud as I can. The screaming is getting louder. Its coming from in front of me but its still kind of far away “CAN YOU COME TO ME? FOLLOW MY VOICE.” Why wont they talk to me? Wait. I can see light. Is it coming to me? I turn around and go to start running the other way. Woaha! “How’d you get all the way over here? You were just back there” I said to the light. “……he..elp…h….er…help her.” Oh great its learning how to speak. AHHHH. I turn around and go to run but the light is there. “W-w-what do y-you want from m-me?” “Help her.” “her? Help who?” before I knew it there was someone in front of me. A girl, looks to be about my age but I cant make out the face yet. She looks so dark, evil almost. She’s looking down, I look at all of her. She looks beaten up. “Are you okay?” I say in the most sympathetic voice I can. “Of coarse not, you did this to me.” She says. “how did I-“ she looks up and holy shit. That’s me. “Why do I look like that?” I cant believe that’s me. Maybe this is a trick? Or maybe I’m being warned? This is to weird. “You didn’t help me.” “Help me how?” “You have to leave.” “Leave? To where?” “Wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP”


The Lucky Call [Black Veil Brides fan fic]Where stories live. Discover now