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I realized that I have accidentally deleted my tag book, and since i have been tagged again, I'll just do it in here.

I have been tagged by: fanfic_and_fic to do this, so I will make her answer some questions...


Ren, Laurentha (Though I would think your nickname would be smaller than your whole.

Eye Color?
Changes different shades of blue, and sometimes they'll be gray. (Mood eyes)

Hair Color?
Dirty blonde with some red. (Natural hair.)

One fact?
Imma Cheerleader

Favorite Color?
Blue, and gray.

Favorite Place?
In a book.

Favorite Animal?
Lots... I'm an animal person, but I'm not a really big fan of cats. (Even if I have one. )

I like birds, dogs, and horses.

Favorite Celebrity
Well, my favorite celebrity to make fun of is Donald Trump.😉

Favorite Book Series
The Selection, Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter.

Here are questions for the people I tag, who haven't answered the questions on the top.

Favorite thing about reading?
TV Show?

I tag...

Anyone who read this... Mwhahahaha

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