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Hey I've been meaning to write this forever but I'm a lazy shit. This is cheesy as hell. Enjoy~
Tonight was the summer solace and the night my fate will be determined. I, prince Gerard would either be collected or killed. Either way I wasn't sure I'd enjoy. My father raised a toast at the large table while my family finished their meals, everyone except me. The virgin fasts on the night of the deciding. My family raised their goblets and said a prayer to the gods, then drank the wine gratefully.

Finally after everyone finished my family stood and all hugged me. Mom, dad, and my brother Michael. Mikey looked at me with apologetic eyes, the god deciding my fate was picky and he had never collected anyone before. All who tried ended up dead. I knew I would go the same way all the other virgins had, but I wouldn't let my family know I knew.

My mom and dad waved me goodbye as I left our home and began walking to the temple. It was a large beautiful marble palace. The outside was lit by torches and wild flowers grew everywhere surrounding.

I walked into the front timidly and pushed open the door. The inside was huge and empty. There was nothing but a bathtub in the middle of the room, torches, a table filled of all kinds of foods, and flowers everywhere. I slowly walked forward and looked at the room and bent down to sniff a beautiful large shocking blue flower.

A large hand placed itself on my back and I gasped then spun around. Before me a heavenly man stood. He had short brown hair and tan skin, glistening with pure olive oil. He wore nothing and he lifted his hand under my chin. My eyes moved from his muscular body and up to his eyes.

"Hello Gerard. Your people know me by the name Aphrodite, you may call my Frank." The god spoke. I tried to speak but my words came out in a whisper. "I-I-" I tried. The god laughed. "I know what you're thinking, "isn't Aphrodite supposed to be a woman?", you're correct. However I present myself as both genders depending on what you wish to see. You dream of me in this way, so this is how I show myself." He explained. I gulped and nodded still not having the courage to speak.

"Are you ready Gerard?" He asked. All I could do was nod and wait for whatever he had planned to begin. He did something unexpected and pulled on my toga, letting it fall to the floor leaving me naked and exposed to him. I felt self conscious with my skinny body and pale skin compared to him. He chuckled "you are beautiful Gerard" he spoke and trailed his hand through my inky hair.

The god gestured me to sit in the bath tub. It was filled of creamy white milk but as soon as my foot touched it the liquid disappeared. I sat my body in the large tub and waited. The god climbed in too and spread my legs. "Gerard, I already have decided what your fate it so this step is unnecessary, but I am selfish and I desire you like no other." Frank said.

He reached onto the table and grabbed a jar of golden honey. He undid the lid and poured the liquid into my chest. The god went down and licked of stripe on my skin and I shivered at the warmth. He then picked up a pomegranate and ripped it open with his hands, pouring the ruby juice onto my flesh. I let out a whimper and he smirked.

The god set down the fruit and placed his fingers in my mouth. They tasted sweet and tart and sticky saliva ran down my chin. He took his fingers out and lowered it. He gave me a smile before pushing it inside me. I gasped loud and the new sensation and my eyes watered slightly. He pushed his finger in and out, curling it inside me. He then added another. I adjusted quicker than I thought but that was probably since he was in fact a god.

Finally he added a third finger and I already felt like I couldn't last any longer but he pulled his hand out and lined his length to my hole. Without warning he pushed in and I screamed. He was much bigger than his fingers and I was mixed with a new feeling of pleasure and pain. He moved in and out, taking deep breathes and looking more god like than ever. I mewled underneath him, squirming and breathing.

Finally the god moaned loud and brought his lips to my ear and whispered "free". As if by magic I let out a loud moan and we came in unison.

Frank smirked down at me, "Gerard I wish to collect you, no, I wish to make you mine. Do you except?" He asked. I was shocked, he had never collected anyone before. I was so filled with admiration, with want. I nodded my head eagerly and he smiled.

"I think we are going to be very happy together" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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