The Escalation

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The llamas began their march towards the nearest major city, Santo Domingo. The trip there was long and arduous, but many llamas along the way joined the llama army. Many fatigued llamas had to be carried on other llamas' backs. But after a few days of nonstop marching, they made it. They marched into the city limits where they were met by a surprised populace. They ran over to pet the group. The llamas responded by spitting on them all. They ran over the unconscious bodies and into the mayor's office. "We demand the city of Santo Domingo. Comply, or face the consequences." Dave calmly spoke to the mayor. The mayor responded,"I will never give up my beautiful city. You may have attacked my people, and the rest of my city may be at your mercy. But I will never give up Santo Domingo. I will never quit." Dave simply responded by spitting on him. He walked over to the mayor's desk and looked inside, and saw a vial of green liquid and a recipe to make it. Dave picked it up and poured it on the mayor. The other llamas watched in awe as the mayor's neck grew longer, he grew wool, and he became quadrupedal. He had turned into a llama. "Wh-what happened to me?" He said. "Víctor, you are now a llama. Do you choose to fight with us? Dave smiled. Víctor thought about it for a minute, then cheered,"Let's take over the world!"

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