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The next day


  I was walking down the stairs to the kitchen as I saw her, Julie that girl who just ruined my life! Argh I'll get her! As I walked pass her she turn around and ignore me. Excuse me! She did not just ignore me! No slave should ever disrespect their boss!

"Hey! How dare you disrespect your boss!?"

"Well I don't actually care about you because you're just a mean hearted person I met."-Julie or Julia

"Yah! How dare you!"

  I was about to slap her face right when she held my hand and twist them so it's behind my back. What! I never thought a girl like slave can do this! I thought to myself.

"Yah, Yah! Let me go!"

She letter me go and smirk at me

"You have never thought that a girl that is a slave can do that huh? Well I am not just a slave that can't protect myself I can do more things like using knife, shooting guns, and fighting."-Julie or Julia

"Just shaddup I knew you can never do none of those things! Btw sorry about how I was going to slap you."

"Apology not accepted"

"Why? Because of this? Because I don't trust you? Oh I know because you also want me to apologize about the coffee and yesterday huh? Well then sorry."

"Your Apology is still not accepted"

"Fine say what ever you want."

"If you are going to the kitchen there is no food yet. I will cook you something what do you want to eat?"


"C'mon say it now when I am being nice."

"Fine, I want to eat Sashimi and pork soup rice please."

"Okay coming right up!"

~~~skip forward to when she brought the food~~~

  I look at the foods and it looks pretty delicious! Just making sure that she didn't put any poison in there I checked it and nod my head in satisfied. And I started eating.

"Wahh! Yah! How cane you make these p! It taste so good!"- I say looking at her amaze she just laugh and said...

"Because I learned how to cook obviously dumby! Every girl have to know how to cook!"

After I finish the food and drank my water she stack them up and put it onto the tray

"Hey, look I am sorry"- I said with a Serious tone but I am really not sorry because I don't like her at all.

"Apology is still not accepted bro."- with that she left me there alone at the table


"Apology is still not accepted bro"- I said and left him there

   Psh, that dude really think that I forgive people that easily? Stupid boy. I went into the kitchen and clean up I wash the dishes and after that I went to my room and call Lyd.


"Hi! Chingu-yah!"-Sana

"Oh you're there also! I thought you was still at work!"

"Why, would you think that today I have a day off because I accidentally cut my hand when I broke a plate I front of a man. He was not nice at all! He yelled at me!"-Sana

"Wow! Such a rude person!"

"I Know Right!"-Sana said yelling

"Hey girls let's just skype since I am home in the house alone since very body left already to go do business and shopping."

"Okay!"-both of them said together

"Okay I'm on!"

 "Hi! OMG! You is a slave and look st your room it is so pretty!"-Lyd

"It's because I just decorated it"

"So how is it working there?"

"It's good and all that but there's a problem."

  Even before I tell them suddenly some body barge into my room I look at him it was Jungkook! I quickly put my stuff away and act like nothing happened.

"Get out! Now!"-he yelled

"Wait! Why!"

"just take what you need! And come meet me outside! Now!"-he yelled

  And with that I brought all the things I need including clothes, two guns with six packs of bullets, my charger, and laptop and phone, and other shoes. When I got out I look at him.

"Why did you tell me to-,"

Without finishing my scentence he pulled me down and put my luggage inside his car

"Don't you dear say a word or we will get kill!"

  I look and saw nothing and then we heard a gun behind us I knew this is our last chance to run away so I quickly hit their arm and they let go of the gun and scream in pain and I took my loaded gun and placed it to their heads and took their mask off and saw that it was Jacob! 


"Dang gurl! When did I said you can carry guns around you! When I taught you those lesson I never knew you can be this good!"-he yelled

  And then I heard a clap behind me and realize that jungkook is still there! Aish!

"Wow! I now believe that you can use guns! How can you defeat a person like that so easily?"-he said amaze

"It takes practice"- and with tht I left him there and took Jacob and told him mpnit to tell Mom or Dad about this and I told him all the reasons why, and told him not to tell anybody else or he is dead.


   Wow! They was amazing of what she did! She just saved mines and her life! That was incredible! Suddenly I heard her say the burglar name.


"Dang gurl! When did I said you can carry guns around you! When I taught you those lesson I never knew you can be this good!"-Jacob

I smirk huh I guess his name is Jacob huh? What a nice name? And with that I just clap to remind her that I am still there.

"Wow! I now believe that you can use guns! How can you defeat a person like that so easily?"-I say kind of amaze

"It takes practice"-she said smiling then drag that Jacob dude away

  They both talked things out. And he said goodbye and left. I never knew she was this good in guns!

"Sorry"-I said

"Still not accepted"

"When will you accept it! If you don't then I a, going to kiss you!"- I said and with that she took out her gun and it touc me right on my chest to be honest I was scared so I backed off.

"Haha! You really think I will shoot you! You scaredy cat!"- she stick her tongue out at me and got her luggage and went back to her room.

"Yah! Yah! I will get you!"-I said In a angry tone because she just pointed a gun to me! And what will my parents do if I die! Oh you will just wait and see Julie.

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