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  Is this how it feels like? To be hurt?(A: Uh excuse me but you was the one who hurt her not her) I know, how is she? What is she doing right now? Did she move on? Will she gorfive me? Is she doing fine?

"Jungkook-ah you're really a jerk you know"-V

"I know my relationship always ends like this is this how my life going to end up? Not having anybody by me?"-I ask while looking at the ceiling.

"It depends on you"-Rap Mon

"What do you mean?"-I ask sitting up

"He means it depend on you if you want to be love or not if you do then change if you don't then keep it up"-Jin

"Oh, you know what I'm going to meet her today"-I said and left to dress. I came down the stairs and they all look at me.

"Make the right choice kid"-Suga 

"I'll try my hardest hyung"-I reply and left


  I do admit that I'm lonely but since I'm home alone I just dance around and sing along to my favorite songs. I heard somebody knocking on a glass I turned around and saw Jungkook!?

"Why are you here?"-I ask him holding back anger and tears.

"To take you back"


"Look, I miss you Julia and I want you back"

"Look, Jungkook we're over"

"But I never agree Julia"

"But I did please just leave"-I said as I climb upstairs

"Can we just start a new chapter? Of our life? Together?"

"I don't think we can Jungkook even though I want to I don't think we can. I-I'm so sorry"-I cried and went to my bedroom and lock it and cried myself to sleep.


  That's it my chance is gone, now I have nobody,(A:Uh what about JiJi?) She cheated on me I've should've listen to Julia.(A:Should've ran after her to her room) I know but now I think it's best for us to stay away from each other (A:But did you agree with the note?) No and never will(A: Wow so confident ) I know right? Just go back to writing you tried to cheer me up, now I'm regretting this book I want to be the main character but not no more(A:Trust me Jungkook you won't regret being the main one)What do you mean?(A:You'll see)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Author Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sorry for short chapter because for the next chapter I'm going to be skipping 4 years of their life so yes they'll be in their twenties(Julia and Jungkook) Also I wasn't planing to make this fan fic long so yeah.

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